Ryder reunited with Koivu, Higgins; Habs lineup against Bruins



    Potential lineup for tomorrow’s game against the Boston Bruins:


    Higgins/Koivu/Ryder : This move could help jump start Michael Ryder’s season and increase his trade value…….just a hunch!!!!

    Kostitsyn/Plekanec/Kovalev: by far the team’s best line all year though the Koivu line needs to pick it up offensively to take the pressure off this line.

    Steve Bégin/Bryan Smolinski/Sergei Kostitsyn: not sure what to think about this combination…..Sergei has played alright but could do better. Begin will bring more energy to the team and Smolinski has played reasonably well of late.

    Guillaume Latendresse/Maxim Lapierre/Tom Kostopoulos (with Mathieu Dandenault rotating in and out on a fourth line): I would sit Latendresse out for this game but I’ve got the feeling that Dandenault will sit. Guillaume has had his chances but is hot and cold……….he also is starting to look tired and slower than usual which is not good for an already slow skater

    Goaltender: Huet of course!!!……..when will Jaroslav Halak get a start?????