Habs Fan Forum: Momentum and Emotion | VIDEO


Habs Fan Forum | Fan Reaction Video, Montreal Canadiens, Canadiens, Habs, NHL, Rocket Sports Media

MONTREAL, QC — Few phrases in Montreal Canadiens lore provoke more emotion or revive more memories than “The Forum“. Once called “the most storied building in hockey history” by Sporting News, the arena was home to nearly 18,000 Habs fans between 1924-1996.

Today that iconic structure on Cabot Square no longer echoes with the sounds of skates, sticks, pucks, and cheers amid Stanley Cup-winning excitement. However, Habs fans have found new ways to keep making their voices heard.

With this in mind, Rocket Sports Media is proud to bring you a new video column, Habs Fan Forum. The weekly video series is hosted by contributor Ben Dankiw. Each week he’ll take you on a journey to recap the highs and lows of the Habs from a fan’s perspective. So buckle up, it’s always a wild ride!

This Week:

On this week’s episode, Ben reacts to the first game in the Habs versus Jets second-round playoff series. He talks about how Montreal came out of the gate hard and won by putting up five goals on Winnipeg, carrying momentum from the last series against the Leafs.

Ben also talks about some heroes from the game, discusses the incident that put Jake Evans on a stretcher at the end of the game, and examines whether Dominique Ducharme‘s roster choices on the back end need to change moving forward in the series.

Watch the full video below, then be sure to subscribe to the All Habs Hockey Magazine YouTube channel, too!

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  1. salut-bien ben,
    merci/thanks pour partager avec-nous
    we need to remember one thing?
    the forum is not gone and certainly not forgotten.
    it has been supplanted to saint-antoine/la gauchetiere-ouest.
    it is still here amongst us.awaiting its name-proper to be returned.it has been given a temporary prefix-surnom!!!
    le centre-bell/the bell-centre.nos esprits du passe/present are
    diligently working/partenering with the molson family et affillies,to return our name-proper to our shrine/cathedral du hockey.soon again,we will be rejoicing in our arena du hockey.
    le forum-bell de montreal/the montreal-bell forum.
    merci pour l’ecoute,
    portez-vous bien
    sauf et sain
    malgres le tout
    (in our world,sponsorship/commanditaire$$$ is integrale et functional,
    however,tradition,honor et respect will supercede.our name-proper will return!!!)
    guyCH10 soit avec nous en prieres et pensees

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