Who’s This Girl? All Habs Special Edition – Kristina


by Amy, Managing Editor, HabsTweetup.com (AllHabs.net)

So you can get to know Habs players, All Habs provides you with “Who’s this guy” condensed biographies. So you can get to know the people who write for you, we present “Who’s this guy/girl All Habs Special Edition”. Today, Kristina.

Kristina – Contributor, AllHabs.net
  • Height: 5’9″
  • Age: 26
  • Writes: Writes right, shoots left
  • Born: Boston, Massachusetts
  • Drafted: By All Habs, September 2010
The Specs
  • Chartered Accountant by day (and sometimes too many nights); hockey and sports fanatic 24/7. She’s been a Habs fan since she started playing street hockey as a kid with her older brother and the neighbourhood dudes. Kristina grew up watching Hockey Night in Canada listening to Dick Irvin’s phenomenal play by play and begging to stay up late to watch the west coast game. She doesn’t need permission anymore. She was probably about 7 or 8 the first time she went to the Forum, her mother gave her and her brother two tickets and two hotdogs while she stood in the standing room and didn’t move for two and half hours just so she wouldn’t lose her spot. She joined All Habs while she was away in Lebanon, tweeting. Rick Stephens messaged her after she was tweeting about watching Habs preseason games at 3 AM Lebanon time on the slowest internet known to man. The rest is history.
The Essentials
  • Salty over sweet. Standard over automatic. Fast over slow. Whiskey over Vodka (beer is a close second). Coffee is meant to be black. She loves to hike, run, play hockey, tennis and ski/water-ski. She has a shoe obsession and loves to cook. The BBQ is her favorite cooking contraption, especially for bacon and pineapple. Kristina doesn’t watch television shows except sporting activities (duh) although Sex and the City is her favorite series of all time. She would love to go to Australia someday…mostly because it seems like it could fall off the earth at any moment.
What you must know
  • She has torn both ACL’s and had both knees operated once. She tore the first one when she was 12 playing touch football and had it fixed at 16; tore the second at 19 playing soccer on a rainy day and had that one fixed when she was 20. She still plays sports as if she never tore anything at all…a few screws can’t stop her. Her right ankle is noticeably bigger than the left from all the times she has sprained it playing basketball and soccer. She would challenge anyone to a game of foosball and beat them.
What you probably didn’t know
  • One of the most memorable things she has ever done was drive to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon from Las Vegas and back in the same day. It was a total of 10 hours in a rented car from Enterprise but it was worth every second.  No pictures or explanations do justice to the mind-blowing vastness of the Canyon. It’s no wonder it is one of the seven wonders of the world. You really need to see with your own eyes. All you need is a car and some good company…oh and a pair of hiking shoes.
The Stats
All Habs Author Bio | Compiled by: Amy | Design by: Stevo | © All Habs 2012