La Presse: Carbonneau déçu des jeunes


    Habster’s take:

    The coach is correct when he states the prospects in training camp aren’t exactly blowing the coaching staff away with their play. With the exception of Chipchura, O’Byrne, Beauregard and Andrei Kostitsyn, no prospect is standing out or giving the veterans a bit of a scare at this year’s camp.
    Sergei Kostitsyn, Mikhail Grabovski and Matt D’Agostini have shown small glimpses of their offensive skill sets but remain wildly inconsistent. Janne Lahti has been a big disappointment thus far and appears to be a step behind the play.
    Maxim Lapierre is his usual high energy/forechecking self while Guillaume Latendresse has been anything but high energy, taking stupid penalties (and giving cheap shots from behind!!) and appeared to be a step behind Koivu and Ryder against the Penguins.
    Carey Price has played alright but isn’t making Mr. Huet shake in his boots for the starter’s job. Jaroslav Halak was having a very solid training camp until his rather weak performance yesterday against the Islanders.
    In conclusion, unless some of these players start showing Carbonneau that they belong with the big boys, then there won’t be any more new faces on the 2007-08 Habs roster.