Canadiens going Loonie for 100-year celebration


    Here’s an excerpt from one of my favorite sport writers, Pierre LeBrun who will be writing and following the Canadiens centennial celebrations throughout the year for ESPN (among other media outlets he writes for):

    Even the Loonie is getting a facelift.

    I have to say, that impresses me.

    The NHL’s classiest organization is shedding no expense or detail in celebrating its centennial season. I arrived in Montreal yesterday to witness the league’s first 100-year-old franchise unveil a busy program for its party year.

    There’s a dizzying array of events and items connected with the anniversary, but it’s the Loonie that grabbed me.

    Starting in March, more than 10 million copies of the Canadian dollar coin will adorn the legendary Montreal Canadiens logo.

    “It’s a first for a sports franchise in Canada,” confirmed Canadiens executive Ray Lalonde.
    Seriously, how many pro teams in the world get away with that?

    And it could be a bonanza for water fountains in Toronto, where surely most of these Habs coins will end up after being chucked by nauseated Maple Leafs fans.

    Kidding aside, it’s going to be a fun year here in Montreal, what with the All-Star Game and NHL draft also being staged here as part of the 100-year party plans. And as one Habs fan said to me the other day, “Don’t forget the Stanley Cup final, either.”


    1. It's Great to see that one of our Canadian team get some reckonization in a very interesting way. I first saw my first coin the other day when i recieved some change from a purchase and i said to myself kewl i guess i will not be spending this loonie.
      GO HABS GO!!
      Mike from Truro N.S.

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