Gauthier Gets a 5 Game Suspension


    Ron McLean said Denis Gauthier deserved a 20 game suspension for his vicious elbow to the head of Josh Gorges. Pierre McGuire said Gauthier should sit the rest of the season. I expected at least 10 games.

    The NHL decided that a 5 game suspension was enough. Clearly the NHL is not serious about removing head shots from the league.

    When McGuire heard the news release from the NHL about the suspension he said “You got to be kidding me! I’d give him the year! Are you wondering why there is no respect among NHL players? Here is exhibit A. Gauthier has a track record as long as my arm!”

    Video clip:
    Gauthiers Vicious Elbow on Gorges

    TORONTO (February 2, 2009) –Los Angeles Kings defenseman Denis Gauthier has been suspended for five games, without pay, as a result of a blow to the head delivered during NHL Game #732, Jan. 31 against the Montreal Canadiens, the National Hockey League announced.

    Under the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, and based on his average annual salary, Gauthier will forfeit $56,451.61. The money goes to the Players’ Emergency Assistance Fund.

    Gauthier was assessed a five-minute major for charging and a game misconduct for hitting Canadiens’ defenseman Josh Gorges at 3:50 of the second period.

    Gauthier will miss games at Ottawa on Feb. 3, at Washington on Feb. 5, at New Jersey on Feb. 7, at New York Islanders on Feb. 10 and against Calgary on Feb. 12. He will be eligible to return on Feb. 14 against Edmonton.

    Photo credits: (Reuters & AP)


    1. “Clearly the NHL is not serious about removing head shots from the league”

      Question is… how many games does O’Byrne deserve for taking a run at Kobasew in the waning seconds of yesterday’s game? Had pretty clear intent to injure and went at Chuck’s head along the boards.

      He deserves 2-3 games but 10 to 1 odds not a word will be spoken on it…

    2. Do Bruins fans have such tunnel vision that they can only talk about themselves? Denis Gauthier’s hit and lenient punishment should be a concern to all hockey fans.

      I have no problem with O’Byrne’s hit at the end of the game. It was simply sending a message given that Kobasew put Latendresse out of the game, and likely for several weeks.

      I do have a huge problem with Chara’s hit to the head of Matt D’Agostini. It was the only blow in the game that is worthy of review for a possible suspension.

    3. So you talk of tunnel vision and complain about head-shots to your team but are fine with head-shots to opposing teams? What a joke! He clearly went after Kobasew with intent to injure and Chuck was fortunate to escape unscathed. Bloody hypocrite!

      As for the Latendresse play… IT WAS CLEAN! Two skaters jockeying for position by the puck and the stronger won… Chuck can’t help it if Latendresse can’t stay on his skates or control his fall.

      You, sir, are shameless and an absolute, two-headed joke!

    4. I did make a mistake…I gave you far too much credit when I wrote that you only have tunnel vision. Apparently you can’t see at all.

      I didn’t make any criticism about the hit on Latendresse.

      Let me repeat for you:

      There is only one hit in the Bruins-Canadiens game that that is worthy of review for a possible suspension. It is Zdeno Chara’s hit to the head of Matt D’Agostini.

      If you would like me to set up a separate thread for whiny, insecure Bruin fans, I will. This thread is to discuss the NHL’s refusal to adequately address the vicious head shot to Josh Gorges delivered by Denis Gauthier. Intelligent hockey fans (even Bruin fans) are welcome to discuss.

    5. So I will just have to remember that headshots are okay so long as they are intended to deliver a message. Guess we will have to drag up some goon from the AHL (like Alex Henry!) and have him take a run at O’Byrne to send him a message back. Somehow, I wager you would be upset over it and complain about the lack of suspension…

    6. I can feel the "love" is growing this season between Montreal & Boston! Lol! The net/net on this one for me as a B's fan is that each instance has to be dealt with as just that: each instance so with this in mind Gauthier deserved AT LEAST 10 games in my mind with his clear intent (and to some degree success) to injure Gorges.

      Enough is enough with this type of unneeded and unwanted nonsense. It's these kinds of acts not the fighting and "rough stuff" that hurts both the players and the reputation of the sport.

      The O'Byrne incident is a whole nother matter & should be dealt with as such.

      Just my opinion but…

      Hang tough Rocket! & Go Broounze!

    7. Hey Krej…

      You have restored my faith..there are intelligent Bruins fans out there! Excellent comment!!

      I am disappointed that Colin Campbell was persuaded by LA lawyers more than the video evidence. Apparently the NHL’s edicts about head-shots are hollow.

      Thanks for stopping by Krej. Say hello to Mr. Bettman for me.

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