A Few Words about Andrei Kostitsyn


posted by Rocket
All Habs

Andrei Kostitsyn could be the most talented offensive player on the Montreal Canadiens. He may have the best shot. What is certain is that he is the most maligned Canadiens’ forward.

Right now, Kostitsyn is struggling. That is not in dispute. But he isn’t alone. Whereas Kostitsyn has played well in games this season, especially against Colorado and Ottawa, others have not. Yet they remain without criticism.

Guillaume Latendresse has had a terrible start to the season, remaining invisible other than during a handful of shifts. Going back to last season, in his last 19 games, Latendresse has one goal and one assist. In the third period of Monday night’s game, RDS ran a set of clips of their golden boy rather than hi-light game stars like Travis Moen or Glen Metropolit. Such is the unfounded praise afforded to the hopes of a ‘nation’.

It sickens me to hear the media on both sides of the language divide use Kostitsyn as a speed bag or a punch line to a joke. It is certainly overzealous. It is probably bigoted. It is mostly inaccurate.

Both Kostitsyn brothers and Roman Hamrlik were the victims of rumours, embellished associations, and shoddy journalism by the Montreal media last season. To date, there has been no public apology for the outrageous accusations made by certain journalists and commentators. Some even continue to defame the three by referencing the false stories.

But back to this season. Many fans and media are ready to write-off Andrei Kostitsyn. This is the same player who has proved he is capable of 25 goal and 50 point seasons. Yet, they are willing to give a free pass to the chosen one who has yet to cross the 30 point threshold.

Some would like nothing better than to see the Kostitsyn brothers shipped off as a package. There is obvious interest from a number of teams. Edmonton Oilers Assistant General Manager Kevin Pendergast has had an extended stay in Montreal over the past few games. Word is that Pendergast had his eyes on Andrei Kostitsyn and that the Oilers may be interested in both Kostitsyn brothers.

Is the situation with Sergei upsetting to Andrei? Undoubtedly so. But when asked, Andrei responded by saying, “It’s tough for me that he left … But I want to focus on my season. I am happy in Montreal.”

The intention of this article is not to absolve Kostitsyn. He is responsible for his play, his attitude and his work ethic. It’s simply to encourage a more balanced assessment of all players regardless of their birthplace.

It is a coach’s responsibility to get the most from his players and to find the best method to motivate each player. A coach with the experience of Martin should have more in his bag of tricks than line juggling. Clearly, Martin has to do better. By all accounts, the Canadiens are short a top six forward. It would be a shame to lose another one.


  1. I agree with your talent and struggling points with regards to AK46, however I think AK46 has had his fair share of opportunities playing on either the top line or 2nd line. And he hasn't produced much since late last year.

    Now Latendresse I think deserves a shot to play on one of the top 2 lines. His puck protection down low would be a huge asset for either of the top 2 lines and playing with more offensive players, I would almost be sure you would see a very nice increase in his numbers. Playing with Lapierre and another grinder will not help you score.

    As for Martin, I am personally not a big fan of what he is doing to Price, but he does have the team playing some of the most inspired hockey I have seen in years.

  2. No question Andrei gets criticized unfairly especially in light of Latendresse's offensive ineptness as of late. Andrei isn't a high energy forward like Cammer or Gionta he likes to play the game in "sneak" mode.

    He'll occasionally use his speed to break away from a defenceman but most of the time he likes to arrive late or make quick moves into scoring areas and meet a pass there if he can. He actually plays better when he has someone on his line who can slow the play down a bit, like Robert Lang who was a great centre for him last year.

    His break-out year he had Kovy feeding him sweet passes cross ice. Everything went to hell last year though with the injury to Lang & then the mess that was Kovy. I don't think Andrei meshes all that well with either Gomez or Pleks since they are high pace go-go-go players and Andrei simply isn't. He often gets accused of laziness because of that fact but that's just the way he plays the game.

    We'll see what happens in November because Andrei is also a notoriously slow starter.

    Good article. :)

  3. Guilty! I have been killing AK46 of late. Most of the time he looks lazy, disinterested, uninspired and flat out lost. I've resorted to calling him an amoeba on skates. Eric Engels pointed out in his blog this morning that it could simply be because he's alone on the Habs roster: No fellow Russians to communicate with, no friends and his English and French are poor (he seems to also not care about improving this either). He could feel isolated and discouraged. Unlikely, though plausible because in my opinion he's been out of touch since he was knocked out last year.

    At the end of the day, you cash the paycheck, you accept the terms of employment. As such, it is up to him to deliver the goods, and he simply isn't.

    I don't know what Martin is supposed to do in order to get him going. A demotion seemed to get him to throw his weight around; a positive part of his game, but the result is still identical- 0 goals, 0 assists, 0 impact on the game. Not good enough for someone with his skill set. He has not been the same player since being concussed last season. What else can Martin do? Sit him in the press box? If you don't like him on the 4th line, you probably don't like that method either. Aside from that…bump him to the 1st line? On one side, it could ignite him…or bring down the entire line. On the other side, he doesn't deserve 1st line ice time. He usually doesn't hustle, and he takes dumb-dumb penalties. If he did hustle and was looking as though he cared, that would be another story. Sigh, another enigmatic Russian to deal with. Does he need his little brother here to cheer him up? I don't know, but he won't avoid massive scrutiny for much longer. Martin needs to make it clear that he's tried every method possible to get this kid going.

    As for #84, I have also been knocking him around this year, but for slightly different reasons. I recognize that he's been anointed as some kind of saviour in this city before accomplishing anything. Why that happened is obvious, but why it continues is baffling. I don't know how many times I've heard Guimauve the Tenderness say that he has to use his size and go to the net more often…only to see him play scared. His numbers have been abysmal. He's even more of a tough nut to crack because he won't play to his strengths. I also believe that he's guilty of taking his role as a Montreal Canadien for granted. The fans and media pushed the team in to making him a part of the every day roster, and this has clearly and without doubt been terrible for his development.

    The Habs are lean on depth up front and need #84 and #46 to make a difference on the scoresheet. I've been harsh on both this season through 11 games, but at least I've given it to both of them, and although I don't like to, I will continue to call out their ineffective play for however long it lasts.

  4. The thing is that so many players have been named a saviour before accomplishing anything, Latendresse as you mentioned, Price, even (to a smaller degree) Pacioretty. I think it puts unnecessary pressure on them and they end up playing a lot worse than they potentially could because of it.

    Latendresse is not exactly my favourite player, and I think he has had many chances to prove himself. He plays well on the 3rd and 4th lines but his speed really screws him out of a spot of the 1st or 2nd. He may be a big body that would be able to crash the net, but if he can't get there in time then there is no point. I like him with Chipchura and D'Agostini. I think that they aren't really a 4th line but more of a 3rd and that we sort of have 3A and 3B lines, instead of 3 and 4. He gets to play with young guys and they are playing well, so I don't see a problem with it.

    Look at Pacioretty, so many people saw a player who would really excel in the NHL but this year, especially at the beginning, he had a tough time. As soon as he's put on a lower line, the pressure is off and he scores.

    With Price, I think that they were too quick to put him in a #1 position. Instead of that I think it would have been beneficial for him and Jaro to share the net, until he improves and feels confident enough to take on everything. Asking him now, I'm sure he'd say he's ready. But would anyone ever say they weren't? People keep referring to his age, and yes he is young, but there are other young players who have done the same, so I don't know why the media keeps using it as an excuse. He certainly doesn't. During this stretch of games with Jaro in the net he has shown such maturity, and I read an article today saying that he thought Jaro deserved to play and that he would play when he was needed. Talk about doing what’s best for the team. I think he's a lot more mature than people give him credit for. But on the other hand, sometimes people give him too much credit. He hasn't done anything in the NHL yet. Yes he did well in the AHL, and in the World Juniors, but neither of those are the NHL. So people need to stop seeing him as something he isn't… or at least isn't YET. He has so much potential… We see it every time he steps onto the ice, but there is nothing wrong with playing fewer games when another able goaltender who has also achieved great things is available to share the burden. Remember it is a team game. We tend to make it about the individual… But there are always 2 goaltenders. And we are not New Jersey (though glancing at our roster, some may disagree). Give them equal time, take the pressure off Price and things will get better.

    As for Kostitsyn, I think he has been great at times this season and at other times a little “dans la lune”. But to be perfectly honest who hasn't? People judge him by the name on his sweater instead of his play… Ask Hal Gill, who has had his share of scrutiny. But the media and fans need a scapegoat and unfortunately Andrei is that guy. Let's just hope this insanity doesn't drive him out of town… because as we know that happens quite often in this city.

  5. I will make this short. I too have been all over Kostityn for a while now. But I also have to say I am a huge fan, have two jerseys with his name on it. My problem is not his year end total. He will probably end with the same stats as last year and the year before. If you remember last year, he was invisible most of the time and went on an absolute TEAR and had a huge portion of his points during that time span. He has no doubt all the tools necessary and I love to see him play when is he even close to top form. My problem is that I have been wearing his jersey for 2 years now and don't see him progressing at all. That is my sole worry is that a guy like him will stay a 50 pt guy. Which is a good career but we all know he can do better. Kind of the Kovalev syndrome. Tons of talent, decent career…no where near what could of been.

    Now, besides the french medias love for Gui. I think most people are harder on a guy like Kosti is well because he is getting paid 3.25 mil a year. What is lats getting?? Lapierre?? I can't say for sure, but if Lats was getting 3.25 a year, his head would be in demand as well. Well at least I hope.

    In a perfect world, habs somehow sign a winger for Pleks and Kosti and things will get rolling again.

  6. "No fellow Russians to communicate with, no friends and his English and French are poor (he seems to also not care about improving this either). He could feel isolated and discouraged."

    I really agree with this comment by kyleroussel. He is stranded emotionally on the team, and it may affect his play.

  7. Gainers has been trying to ship Big Tits since he refused to say "Je suis" in the player intro of the first Habs home game…no respect for da bleu, blanc, et rouge.
    Big and Lil' Tits for Prolov or two edmonton players. NOT Horcoff or Brule…either Cogliano, O'Sullivan, Souray, Hemsky, Comrie, Gagner (I would take just one of those players for the tits bros and even a 2nd rounder 2011).
    Developing pics: Cameron Abney or Alexei Mikhnov.)
    Do not trade price or halak. ever.

  8. Great article and discussion!

    Andrei probably is isolated on the team with the other Andrei (Markov) being out.

    I'm still trying to believe in him, I still do…. what frustrates me is that after seeing the kind of things he can do with the puck… I'm really really wanting to see it! And the Habs, of course, need that extra offensive punch.

    At times he really does seem to be trying hard out there, hitting and diving for pucks…. and then sometimes he just really looks lost.

    Could there be some communication problems? Maybe at times he's unsure what Martin wants from him and his griping his stick a bit to tightt?

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