Boivin le Bavard


    Gainey, Boivin and Gauthier at yesterday’s press conference (Photo from

    posted by: habsbloggergirl

    I’ve been reading a lot about Gainey’s stepping-down lately, and it seems that a lot of people are concerned about the language debate that seems to be so intricately connected to the hiring of a new GM, just as it has been with hiring a coach, and even naming a captain.

    A lot of people, especially in the anglophone and international communities, are really against the Canadiens’ (well Boivin’s) policy of hiring people only if they speak French, so I thought I would try to give a bit of a different perspective, although I too am anglophone and living in Quebec.

    I don’t completely support this policy… I don’t think it’s fair that otherwise qualified people are being denied positions based on their language skills. But, just because I don’t think it’s fair doesn’t mean I don’t think it’s right. Although I feel this way, I can’t deny the fact that we are living in Quebec where the majority of the population is francophone. It is often hard for anglophones to get jobs when they don’t speak both languages, but then again, the opposite it often true as well.

    The thing is, I don’t see the problem with hiring a GM based partially on the fact that he is French-speaking, I see a problem with hiring one solely on that fact (which I don’t think was the case for Gauthier, since he is experienced and is already a part of the organization).

    Think about it, there is a large amount of both English and French media, and it’s a huge bonus for the GM to be able to speak both languages. Most fans who watch these press conferences probably also want to or don’t mind seeing it in both languages. Personally, I watch both, and would even say I watch more in French than in English in terms of media coverage and the like. To me the language isn’t a big deal because I understand both, but for those who don’t it proves to be more of a problem.

    As long as the person is qualified (and Gauthier gives us no reason to think he is not), I honestly don’t care whether the GM speaks English, French, Chinese or Russian. As long as he does a good job, it doesn’t matter, right? Maybe. But all things considered, it would simplify the lives of many people if he spoke both languages; the media especially, but a lot of fans as well.

    I think that ultimately if it came down to it, they would be able to work out a way for the GM not to be French-speaking, but this would require more work on the part of others in the organization, and I understand them wanting everything to be as simplified at each level as possible.

    We may be seeing this as unjust and unfair bias, but imagine if you were French-speaking only. It would be equally unfair to that person if the guy giving the press conferences does not speak a word of French. We are a bilingual city, so although I think Boivin dealt with this in entirely the wrong manner, I understand where he is coming from in wanting to hire someone bilingual.

    Personally, I think he just talks too much. I don’t think he should have even mentioned the language issue at all, since there was really no need to. He could have just said Pierre Gauthier was the assistant GM and it just made sense to keep him since he had previous GM experience. But no, Boivin had to go on and on… I think a team president should know when to say things and know when to remain tight lipped. By his behaviour in the past few weeks (saying that Laraque was leaving, that Halak would be gone, and now this), I think that he doesn’t know when to keep quiet. He needs to stop talking, because if he doesn’t, I think the Canadiens will be in big trouble. Maybe he should take a page from Bob Gainey’s book… I think he could really learn something.


    1. I see your point but it's hard to agree. Sure, if the best candidate available happens to speak french, all the better.
      But honestly, of all people qualified for a GM job that are available this morning, is Pierre Gauthier the most competent? Is he really the best GM out there, that could lead this team? I seriously doubt that, if we only look at his track record in Anaheim and Ottawa. However, because he speaks french, he moves up the depth chart very rapidly, passing other, more worthy, candidates that aren't bilingual.

      What happened here is that a guy less qualified than other people got the job, BECAUSE he speaks french. That's insane, no other professional sports team in the world would be that stupid – everywhere else people are hired on merit, plain and simple.
      This is the General Manager job, the guy who's 100% responsible for putting a winning team on the ice! Yet we're finding it acceptable to trade some competence for the practicality of hearing him give 4-5 french press conferences a year. Mind boggling.

      As for Boivin, I've never liked him and the more I hear him the more I despise him. Sure he's done great things on the PR side and the Habs have more 'brand recognition' than they've ever enjoyed (despite middling success on-ice) but he just can't get his nose out of hockey operations. Ever since day 1 on the job he has tried to intervene on the hockey side, whether it's behind the scenes or through the media.
      I would go so far as to say that as long as Boivin is in place, this team is going nowhere on the ice…

    2. Very good article. You're also right about Boivin. One question some people may want to ask themselves regarding the language issue; Would Toronto hire a French only speaking GM if he/she was the most atractive and qualified candidate? The answer is no. They will hire and English speaking GM and if it so happens that person can talk French so be it. I don't see it happening the other way around.

    3. I am most proud of the All Habs website at times like this, when there are 3 articles posted that each provide a different perspective. Thanks for your contribution to that habsbloggergirl.

      to Anon, I'm not sure that your example is valid. Like it or not, the language of the NHL is English, so a French-only speaking GM wouldn't be able to do his job communicating with his counterparts.

      As far as coaches who cannot speak the language of the fans, there are dozens of examples in European soccer and Canadians who go abroad to coach hockey.

      to James Parent, I think that you are dead-on with each of your points. great comments.

      It is a cart before the horse situation arguing that the handful of press conferences should drive the decision of who is in control of the reins of a $500 million hockey franchise.

      With that kind of money at stake, translation services are not expensive nor do they complicate the process.

      Communicating with fellow GMs is a crucial skill but press conferences are at the bottom of the list when it comes to the duties of a GM.

      It has been argued that Gauthier was not solely hired based on his language skills, but one should examine the process described by Boivin.

      The first hurdle when reviewing candidates was language. That gateway alone eliminates 90-95% of qualified GMs.

      It will be dumb-luck only if an excellent GM is drawn from such a small sample.

      As far as the statement: "As long as the person is qualified and Gauthier gives us no reason to think he is not", I would like to ask: what are the reasons to suggest he is qualified as a GM?

      Gauthier's most ardent supporters would probably say his record is spotty…some good, some bad. But most will tell you, its just not that solid.

      If hockey experts were polled, there isn't a chance that Gauthier would be ranked in the top 20 in GMs, and would be hard pressed to make it into the top 25.

      So unless the Canadiens wish to stay mired in mediocrity, they must hire on merit.

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