La Presse: Latendresse: «Il faut que je me réveille»


    Habster’s take:

    As I said in my article from last night (Latendresse has to get his game together otherwise….. ), Latendresse has to get his game back on track and I’m glad to read in La Presse today that he is not deflecting the blame. Guillaume has a good attitude and is mature beyond his years which says a lot about his character. He understands that he has to work harder and has to be constantly moving/skating to be effective. Unfortunately, Latendresse isn’t the most agile skater in the world so he has to play a smart positional game and get involved in the play.
    If he doesn’t start to play better, a chap by the name of Maxim Lapierre ( 2 games played in Hamilton: 3 goals & 3 assists) will be called up in his place.