RDS:Garth Murray placed on waivers


It’s about time Bob Gainey put Garth Murray on waivers again and freed up some room for a player who will play or at the very least, push the other players for playing time. I liked Murray’s hustle and toughness on the ice but he is extremely limited as far as talent is concerned. He was also comfortable being in the press box without complaining, a true team player. Unfortunately, having a Garth Murray on the sidelines isn’t scaring anyone in the lineup for ice time.

Carbonneau needs a Maxim Lapierre or Sergei Kostitsyn on the roster to have a competitive spirit which will make players work harder when they’re in the lineup.

Players like Andrei Kostitsyn, Guillaume Latendresse and Mikhail Grabovski need to understand that their spot in the lineup isn’t guaranteed and will be used by someone like Lapierre or S. Kostitsyn if their play doesn’t improve/remain consistent from game to game.
I wish Murray lots of luck with another team or if he passes waivers, with Hamilton.
Bob, what took you so long!!!!
Canadiens Trade Rumour Of The Day

I won’t post this Canadiens trade rumour separately but here we go:

The Team 990’s P.J Stock has “heard” from a “reliable” source (hockey friend??) that the Tampa Bay Lightning and Montreal Canadiens could be talking trade with the following players being involved in the alleged deal:

Andrei Kostitsyn, Michael Ryder and Jaroslav Halak going to Tampa in exchange for Brad Richards and Andre Roy.

Richards has a huge contract ($7.8 million per year until the 2010-11 season) which would be hard to absorb unless Gainey could free up some more salary space (you have to add in Roy’s salary of $500,000 as well). Trading Ryder, Kostitsyn and Halak only frees up approximately $4.235 million and I believe Gainey has -/+ $2 million available cap space so he still falls short by approximately $ 2 million short. I also believe Brad Richards has a no-trade clause so it’s a non-starter.

It’s always fun to discuss trade rumours but that’s as far as this rumour will go………discussions and debates!!!


  1. If I may offer my honest opinion, I’d rather keep Murray in the press bx than Small Tits or Max Lap.

    Murray is the type of player who, even if we blow up his career, wouldn’t stop me from sleeping at night. He could play everyday or only 20 games a year and it wouldn’t really make a difference in his production. He is expendable. However, if I had the choice, I’d have someone more robust, a potential fighter, who could be inserted in the lineup if we expect a game to be really physical (something that doesn’t seem to be Grabovski strenght).

    In that sense André Roy would fit the bill perfectly but I just hate the guy. I can’t stand any player who sucker punch or hit from behind (I mean those obvious “I want to hurt him” hits), something he did THIS week.

    As far as the trade rumour goes, I seriously can’t put much faith in that. First off, it’s from P.J. Stock. That’s even lower than Yvon Pedenault in the list of reliable sources. And I don’t believe Bob want to pay a player like Richards that much. Lecavalier is worth his money, I don’t think Richards does.

    And no, I don’t think we’ll trade for Vince. Jay Feaster is smart enough to know that he is worth a lot more in Montreal than anywhere else in the world and it would end up costing us too much.

    Now he is a Free Agent at the end of next season right? At the same time as the Kovy contract end up?

    Just asking…

  2. Salut Jean-Francois!,

    I tend to agree with you about the reliability of any trade rumour especially from P.J.Stock. I think the NHL is becoming more like the NFL as far as the lack of trades due to the salary cap system.
    Before the season started, I was concerned about the Habs lack of toughness but I haven’t seen another team taking liberties and pushing them around yet(it’s still early though).
    Brad Richards is a very good player but at $7.8 million, he’s grossly over paid for what he brings to the rink every night. I would rather Gainey go after a Shawn Horcuff, Joe Pavelski or if he’s available Patrick Marleau.
    I also dream about the possibility of signing Lecavalier as a UFA but Tampa/Feaster would be crazy to not re-sign him to a long term deal,…..we can still dream though!!!
    Jean-Francois, merci pour vos commentaires!!!!

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