All Habs News: Cherry, OTPF, Chara, Dupont, Twitter Trash


All Habs News — March 13, 2011

Ontario Teacher’s Pension Fund looks to sell their two-thirds share of the Toronto Maple Leafs which could fetch $1.3 billion.


Don Cherry blasted Canadiens owner Geoff Molson in Saturday’s edition of the Coach’s Corner.


In the NHL, if players have not had a suspension in the previous three years, the league deems that they have a “clean record.” So despite Zdeno Chara having been suspended for one game in 2005, Mike Murphy treated him as a player with no prior offenses when reviewing the hit on Pacioretty.

Media on both sides of the border are painting Chara as a choir boy for his 13 years claiming that he has an unblemished record. This is patently false.

Zdeno Chara — suspended one game in 2005 for instigating a fight in the final four minutes of a contest.


Kevin Paul Dupont writes for the Boston Globe. He is generally recognized as the most respected hockey reporter in Boston (insert your own joke here). Dupont was even inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 2002, which likely means he has been coasting since then.

But now Dupont has a shiny new toy called Twitter. Unfortunately, like many dinosaur journalists, he just doesn’t get it. Interactivity is a foreign concept for people who are used to push things out.

Dupont tosses out little gems like this to his 2,572 followers: “ACC and Via Rail both threaten to take puck, go home. B’s catch break and world sulks. Too funny. Do adults run these companies?”

A real knee-slapper Kevin! By the way, who’s ACC?

At one point Dupont wonders where the outrage was when Canadiens players were involved in dishing out the violence?

Well, it seems unbenounced to Dupont, you actually have to engage people to get their feed back. You see, the Globe reporter is following exactly zero people on Twitter. For some, life is a one-way street.


Next time you say, Why doesn’t _____________ (Price, Subban, Gomez, …) have an account on Twitter? Consider this.

Max Pacioretty opened an account following his injury to stay in touch with his legions of fans. Messages and well-wishes have been pouring in from Canadiens fans and hockey fans around the league.

But on Saturday night, a 27-year old guy who claims to be a Boston Bruins season’s ticket holder sent a number of messages to Pacioretty including the following:

@MaxPacioretty67 Hey I just heard they screwed your head back on. Congrats douchebag #yousuck #habssuck #bruins #chara

@MaxPacioretty67 You’re a pu**y, your team is a joke and your fans are complete yahoos. I hope you never play again. #habs #chara #bruins


  1. You don’t see Tweets people send you directly if you don’t follow them, unless of course you click the @replies. I’m sure Pacioretty knows idiots run rampant on the internets anyway.

    As for where our outrage was when the Habs “dished out the violence”? There was plenty of that directed to Steve Begin, Max Lapierre, and Tom Kostopoulos for what they did. HOWEVER they were SUSPENDED for their actions (though Begin for some reason usually got away scott free for whatever reason). I love how people bring up the Rocket too, completely forgetting he was left bleeding on the ice before he went completely mad and attacked back because the officials once again did absolutely nothing. Oh and he was suspended for punching the ref NOT for his attack on the other player. The NHL has a history of ineptitude long before Bettman and his jokes.

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