Being a Gracious Loser – 101


by Robyn Flynn,

MONTREAL, QC.– In a city where hockey is MORE than a religion and the Habs are bigger than Jesus, it’s kind of hard NOT to morph into “panic mode” the second the Canadiens fall into a slump. While I don’t think Habs fans need to panic just yet, I do believe that there is legitimate cause for concern. But it’s not too late to rectify the situation, being that there are still 74 hockey games to be played.

Instead of breaking down what went wrong in each of the Habs losses, one thing I’ve noticed over the course of the past few weeks is the inability of Canadiens fans to be gracious losers. The second our boys notch another one in the win column, we’re the first to jump and scream and rub it into our opponent’s faces (and then wonder why other fan bases find us annoying!) I often find myself in this category.

I don’t think we can be blamed; we love the Canadiens so much, and we’re so passionate about the rich winning history of the team, and we love to remind everyone else around us that OUR team has won 24 Stanley Cups. But I’d like to remind you, Habs fans, the Canadiens have not won a Stanley Cup in 18 years. That’s an entire person-who-can-drink’s life span since the last Stanley Cup parade. The 2000’s were the first decade in the organization’s history that did not see a Cup. Habs fans, I believe that THIS is where the cause for concern lies.

At a certain point, flaunting your team’s history in other’s faces becomes irritating, especially if you have little to show for it. There are Bruins fans in bars in Montreal that can say they’ve seen THEIR team win a Stanley Cup in their lifetime, while their debate partner cannot say the same of the Habs.

This is why I’ve compiled the following list. Because I’m sick and tired of hearing people make excuses for the team, rather than pinpointing their faults. I’m sick and tired of people jumping to blame the coach, rather than acknowledge the short comings of the men in skates. The city of Montreal needs to do something it hasn’t had to learn how to do since the Expos left (ouch, sorry baseball lovers); learn how to be gracious losers.


1)      Be capable of admitting that the other team simply played better.

2)      Do NOT refute every single insult an opposing fan base may have with “24”.

3)      Take note of what the other team did well. Try and pinpoint similar skillsets on your team, and evaluate how they measure up.

4)      Think before you speak. You may be in the process of making an asinine comment that will only make you seem far less intelligent than you are.

5)      Do not tell someone they “should be ashamed of themselves” regarding an opinion on the game. It’s a GAME. They’re not siding with the fascists, or killing puppies for sport. They’re expressing themselves. It’s extremely condescending to insinuate that someone else’s opinions are shameful. Particularly when it’s about a GAME.

6)      Listen. Hear what the other person has to say.

7)      If you are not capable of being a gracious loser, stay home, and stay off Twitter. You’re giving a bad name to Habs fans worldwide.

Be sure to keep that to keep that tongue firmly pressed against your cheek! ;)

Follow me on Twitter @ladyhabs

Photo Credits: Getty Images, Fagstein


  1. Tons of sage advice, Robyn. Congrats on a well-timed, well written piece. Mere hours before what may be the end of the world (if the Habs lose tonight), I hope everyone takes to heart most, if not all of what you wrote here.

    I particularly like the point you make about Habs fans inclination to throw ’24’ in to any argument. It’s borderline arrogant at this point since that number has remained the same for nearly 2 full decades. It would be like an Italian person taunting an American because the Romans were once the most powerful empire in the world.

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