Blow It Up? Again?


    posted by Kyle

    As we await tonight’s matchup between the bottom-feeding Hurricanes and the struggling, punchless Habs, one question seems to be mysteriously gaining momentum.

    Let’s blow this thing up and start from scratch.

    Huh? What? Say again?

    Are people not paying attention or are they just out of their minds? The Habs just blew it up! To a larger extent than anyone has EVER done before!

    Prior to the start of the season, people had no idea how to classify Bob Gainey’s new squad, but consensus was that they’d be in the usual 7-10 range, fighting for a playoff spot. That was the prediction when the team was healthy and together. Take away the team’s best player in Andrei Markov, and other defensemen like Ryan O’Byrne, and Hal Gill, and what do people want? Miracles from what’s left? Call in shows on the Team 990 are riddled with people who want to start over from scratch, through the draft, in the hopes of landing a Crosby/Malkin, Ovechkin/Backstrom, Toews/Kane duo. Some say that what the Canadiens just did was a facelift and reorganization of the team. Whatever you call it, the Canadiens just made major changes and GMs don’t get numerous kicks at that can. The Canadiens are tied to the core of this team for the next 5 years.

    Does anyone really believe that guys like Mike Cammalleri, and Brian Gionta came to Montreal for the opportunity to sit through a rebuild? Fat chance. Would guys like Plekanec and Price choose to stay here long-term if they know there’s no chance of winning in the next few years? Dicey call.

    Let’s just go with it, for the sake of argument that the Habs brass and their top players all agree that a rebuild from scratch is in order. For starters, a couple of those high-priced guys would have to go.

    Second hurdle is this city’s rabid fan base and the at times vicious media. Would either faction accept the idea of a true rebuild, especially after what transpired this past summer, and ESPECIALLY with this team’s management calling the shots? Highly unlikely in my opinion – and let’s remember that finishing low for a number of years does not guarantee success. In recent years the Canadiens have shown an ineptitude in developing their young players. Latendresse, Lapierre, D’Agostini, Chipchura, and Pacioretty have all stalled or regressed as players once coming to Montreal from Hamilton (or junior in Latendresse’s case). Before we bank on years of drafting can’t- miss-blue-chip-franchise-players, the problem of pro player development absolutely needs to be addressed, not to mention the issue of mentoring these young players. Montreal is not the type of city that lends itself to a quiet lifestyle. The dalliances of the younsters (and the whole team, really) is well documented and been very public. The Canadiens need to more closely monitor their youngsters before they go off the rails.

    Assuming the Canadiens internally agreed that they were going to rebuild, with a lot of honesty and transparency I think the fans and media could accept this plan. Most of the callers on the Team990 say they could handle it, so why not try it, right? All I’m suggesting is to not mess with our heads. It’s all in how the team positions itself. If they claim that they want to be young and talented, with the goal of making the playoffs, well they just screwed themselves by giving everyone the belief that playoffs are the target. Falling short of that is what brings the madness in this city. You can’t be a playoff team in rebuild mode. You have no hope at the Crosbys, Ovechkins and Tavares‘ of the world if you’re a playoff team. They need to be clear without going so far as to say “we are going to lose 45 games per year for the next few years”.

    Here are some tips on how they can be transparent during a rebuild:
    • no marketing that puts emphasis on a glorious past and recapturing that success now,
    • not even coming close to spending to the cap, playing young guys and properly developing them,
    • no price hikes for tickets/concessions while this team wallows in the gutter.

    All these elements drive fans to expect immediate success and would sabotage their rebuild efforts and renew the cycle of mediocrity that we’ve sat through for 15 years now.

    All this being said, how do you explain to guys like Gomez, Gionta, Cammalleri, Spacek, and pending free agents Price and Plekanec that you’re going to spend the next 3-5 years in the gutter?

    It won’t happen, and no total rebuild is forthcoming. Period.

    Am I wrong? Thoughts welcome!


    1. I agree 100%.

      Rebuilding in the terms being speculated will not happen in this market, not now, not ever.

      The idea is being floated with someone who has a personal agenda. I like Tony Marinaro but on this issue, he is taking a selfish approach.

      Tony has been anti-Gainey for some time and an advocate for Pierre McGuire as his replacement. Tony figures the media connection may provide a boost to inside information and scoops. Its the type of thing you just aren't going to get from Gainey.

      I am an advocate of making better use of younger players. Yannick Weber is a prime example of a player who has learned all he can in the AHL, and should be in the Habs lineup. Last year it was Pavel Valentenko. Instead we have to put up with the likes of Brisebois and Bergeron.

      Having said that, I cannot see the Canadiens ditching players and contracts to the extent that is being mentioned by Tony & others to make room for youth and a spiral to the bottom of the standings and the prize of a high draft pick.

      We have witnessed how the so-called most knowledgeable fans in the game have eaten alive solid developing players like Carey Price and Ryan O'Byrne.

      Not matter how transparent the organization was, the fans would be merciless in their criticism.

      I agree with your opinion, blowing up the team won't happen; nor should it happen.

    2. Tony came out with his rebuilding plan today:'s%20REBUILDING%20PLAN%20FOR%20MONTREAL%20CANADIENS.pdf

      I happen to agree with almost everything in it, but I don't think any of it is going to happen.

      Now on to what looks like could be an agenda to prop his friend McGuire up as Gainey's replacement…that's tough to argue. There certainly seems to be a bias there, but since when is sports media in this city immune to bias and agenda? At the very least, it's a win for the fans IF the rebuild worked, and a win for Tony if it gave him new scoops.

      The main criticism for McGuire as GM is that he's been out of the game for so long. I don't think that holds any water. Gainey has never left the game and his results are mediocre at best.

      I'll applaud Tony and support his plan (even though I don't think it will ever be implemented), but at the same time, I'm also going to support the group that is still there.

    3. Seems like we will have to disagree on this one.

      I listened to Tony's 'plan' as he read it today on the radio with puzzlement. I understand that Tony is beating the drum for Pierre McGuire and also trying to curry favor with his pals in the french media. His motivations are obvious. They are blatantly selfish to further his own career.

      But I thought that Tony would at least try to mask intentions with a real plan. Tony admitted that it was written at 4am, and unfortunately it shows.

      I'm not going to address each individual recommendation. Some are fine. Others are ludicrous.

      But when is the last time that any team in the NHL successfully traded away 9-10 big contract players in a single season?? That would be quite a feat in FANTASY hockey! It's a juvenile recommendation, and one that Tony, in a less selfish moment, would scoff at if suggested by one of his listeners.

      If that wasn't enough the plan also hinges on drafting first overall next June.

      AND, hiring Damphousse and Gingras in key administrative positions (without experience).

      AND, employing enforcer Andrew Conboy as a power forward.

      AND, lowering Bell Centre ticket prices.

      This isn't a plan. It's a weak attempt to create a (thin) veil to cover Tony's original intent. Arguments become silly and contrived when one tried to build them artificially after already decided on a preferred conclusion.

      Next time Tony, choose sleep.

    4. Some of his suggestions are insane, but his diagnosis is mostly right. There's a lot wrong with this team, starting with dead weight at all levels. He may be coming from fantasy land with his replacements and suggestions, but he's taking the temperature correctly IMO.

      As for motivations, I think they're more far reaching than his own. We can see the morning show guys getting on board with McGuire as GM, and we know Melnick will throw his considerable clout and credibility behind him as well.

      I think the larger motivation is one for the entire station – to become the official broadcaster of the Canadiens. To rip the games away from CJAD and carry them on 990 airwaves. That's where I think this is going, and then we'll see the staff climb over each other to see who will be play by play, who will be colour analyst, etc…

      Going back to Tony's plan, I think he's touched the right wounds, but doesn't always have the correct solution.

    5. After quickly browsing through Tony's plan, I think that, overall, Tony has a point (there are a lot of ridiculous solutions in there). I think there are a lot of factors that need to be addressed with this team.

      Do I think that blowing up the team – especially this year – is a good idea? No. I think if we were going to start from scratch the time to do it was when Gainey first came in. Doing it now would be incredibly stupid.

      In all honesty though, I am not opposed to the *idea* of starting from scratch *if* other issues could be solved. There's absolutely no point in getting top picks if you can't develop the players properly.

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