Bruins Voodoo Magic


    All Habs is a community of passionate, talented and very creative Canadiens’ fans. Amanda and EP31 are two favorites who have created Bruins voodoo dolls.

    Who’s to say they aren’t working? In game two, Lucic suffered a mental break, lost control and was suspended for the “reckless and careless use of his stick.” We’ll see what happens to Chara tonight.

    Chara by Amanda

    Nice unibrow on Zdeno. Where’s the yellow mouthguard? (or are his teeth that colour?)

    Lucic by EP31

    The bumbling Milan seems so accident prone.

    Note to our readers from Boston: No actual Bruins were injured in the filming of this blog post.


    1. Raise his sweater to the rafters!

      (With “Lurch” still in it).

      By a cable wrapped around his neck.

    2. Now thats funny. I have to hand it to you habs fans…you have a wil-e-coyote kind of character to you.

      Chara seemed to fair pretty well, so I guess the voodoo doll is just a great way to illustrate your frustration, and laugh at the time spent on these cute little dolls.

      Bitz did pretty well in Lucic’s place, dont you think? I mean, if it weren’t for that hit in the corner, our 4th line sniper Shawn Thornton wouldn’t have buried that crucial 2nd goal for the Bruins. Now Lucic is fired up, and is going to put one of your players through the glass next game.

      It wont be that hard for him, considering that last game just sapped everything you have left. And what a valiant effort. I mean, that 7 minutes of hockey you lead this game, and total this series, has the Bruins wondering where they went wrong. Because the habs dont deserve a minute of leading hockey, and as I mentioned before game 1, the Bruins will sweep your pathetic, sorry excuse for a hockey team. I mean, it’s not like we finished first by fluke like the habs did last season!

      On that note, depth sure is a good thing, and with the habs desperately trying to sign anyone, once again, I wonder what unrestricted free agents will pass up on playing for the fairweather high pressure fan city of Montreal?

      I hope you all have enjoyed your 100th season as much as I have!

      Have a great evening, and everyone drive home safely!

      Paybacks a bitch, eh?

    3. Oohhh, thanks for posting those =)I feel all honored now *g* Actually Amanda made Chara in time for Game 2 and since then Chara has been pretty quiet, I think.

      And if I may… My voodoo dolls weren’t made out of any frustration whatsoever. I made mine because I felt like it and it’s fun and I get to practice using my wonderful sewing machine. If there’s anyone who thinks that I made them because I have no life and I really hate the Bs that much, then THEY need to get a life. Like I said, it was done in fun.

      And I’d make a list of things that a bitch right now but this isn’t my blog and so I’ll leave that to someone else…

    4. Well, I dont mean to sound insulting in regard of the fact that they do look pretty cool. Of course I am a sucker for anything that has a spoked B on it.

      And for the record, if it wasn’t for “Rocket” coming to our Bruins blog randomly insulting the Bruins and then posting a link to this site, I wouldn’t be here posting.

      As a matter of fact, given my principles of respect, I will leave you habs fans alone.

      Just know this, the arrogance reigned down on the rest of the world by some, not all habs fans, has left a very nasty reputation that has left very little respect from the rest of the hockey world, and of course, unrestricted free agents that will play in other cities. I have played with habs fans from montreal, and I know there is respect amongst some of you. Maybe you can teach the rest.

      But aside from all that, I have no remorse for any of you, and this is the ultimate revenge season for the Bruins.

      Every beer I have sipped during this series has tasted SO good!

    5. You have to quit taking sips out of other people’s beer ‘mouse, or they won’t allow you back in that bar. Then you’ll have to watch the games standing up outside the electronic appliance store. With no sound. In the rain.

      You’ve been warned.

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