Carbo changes lines again for Sens



Here we go again, Carbo’s opened up the chemistry set once again!!!! I’m surprised he hasn’t blown up his laboratory or run out of ethanol for his Bunsen burners with all the line changes he’s made to find the right mix of CHEMISTRY!!!

I understand the Habs are slumping and I understand the coach(es) have to try different things to light a spark under the asses of these multi-millionaires (as if they need to be motivated……that’s an article waiting to be written in itself!!).

With 10 UFAs on the Canadiens roster, you would think that would be enough motivation to work hard and lay the ground work for a big contract offer in the off-season, but I digress and will save it until that article is written.


Now that I’ve released some of my pent up hostility, let’s take a closer look at the Dr. Carbo’s lab work:



This move isn’t surprising nor is it a terrible one. In my humble opinion, placing Higgins on the line instead of Latendresse would have been preferable (deep breath, BB!!), but with that being said, Latendresse has shown “flashes” of chemistry with the Koivu/Tanguay duo (deep breath, Rocky!!). At least Guillaume was given more than a two game try-out on the line, something Higgins wasn’t afforded by Carbonneau.


I just hope Latendresse understands his role on the line: crash the net for rebounds, work hard creating space/time for the other two and please place his big body in front of the net!!!



This line does intrigue me with the speedy Higgins and Plekanec along side Kovalev. When “Pleky” and “Higgy” played in Hamilton, they occasionally played on the same line with some success……now if Kovalev can stop overhandling the puck, creating more turnovers than a bakery and trying to deke the entire opposition, we might actually have something here!!!

How does that expression go……”the shortest distance between two points is from A to B, not A,B,C,D,E,F…… get my point!!! More north/south momentum (please read: Forward momentum is a beautiful thing by Big Brother) and less east/west movement. The puck movement is done quicker with a pass as opposed to 5-10 dekes, Kovy!!!

A. Kostitsyn/Lang/Kostopoulos

?????????…..simply put, this is a “light a flame” under AK-46’s ass move….. nothing more, nothing less!!! Kostopoulos is on the line to create space and keep the other two honest with his hard work/constant hustle. Beyond that, this is a very short term line!!!

S. Kostitsyn/Begin/whoever??!!
See AK-46 “light a flame” situation above for his little brother!!!………beyond that, there isn’t much to say about the 4th line.



  1. He could’ve at least but AK46 on the right wing. I’m not expecting much out of these last 2 units….

  2. Laydownthelaw,

    I agree that the 3rd and 4th lines could be ineffective but the top two lines have some potential.

    It should be an interesting game to gauge two struggling teams

    I can’t wait until Saturday’s game against the Bruins!!

  3. I hope the Kostitsyn brothers feel Matt D’Agostini and Max Pacioretty breathing down their necks. They aren’t going to be with the Habs for too long if they can’t play on one of the top two lines. D’Ago and Patch have both put up similar offensive stats to A. Kostitsyn at the same stage in the AHL, and I think both of them are more well rounded players. S. Kostitsyn has a little more rope given his youth and the fact that he is a better two way player.

  4. The only place that the Kostitsyn’s have a problem is in the pages of the french media. They are desperate to keep the attention off their little darling Gui.

    Sergei with Begin and Laraque?? Gainey is giving Carbo a lot of rope but soon this madness must come to an end.

  5. OK BB…you got your wish. Guillaume ‘center of the universe’ Latendresse will STAR on the line with Koivu and Tanguay. You are right Habster, I think that the Habs will score 5 tonight…but if all 5 aren’t scored by Guillaume ‘center of the universe’ Latendresse unassisted, then I will begin to doubt BB’s credibility.

  6. Will Komisarek be back for the rematch with the Bruins? I want to see him line up Lucic a time or two. I didn’t think the fight was as one sided as some people suggest. Komo hurt his hand and shoulder in the fight, not his head. I don’t think he took any real shots so much as lost his balance.

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