Cassé! – Be Nice, Vote Price


Here is Carey Price’s 2012 ASG campaign video:

Voici la vidéo promotionelle pour envoyer Carey Price au match des étoiles de 2012:

Video Courtesy

Cassé!  has become a French (from France) cult expression as popurlarized by the Brice Man, pretty much in a sense similar to a teenager shouting ‘owned!’ while playing videogames (thanks to friend twitterer @nsweatherumors for the analogy).

For those who aren’t familiar with Brice the Nice — Carey’s inspiration in the above promo, the following  is the trailer of the original French film. Pour ceux qui ne sont pas familiers avec Brice de Nice voici la bande originale du film qui l’a lancé.

Video posted on Youtube by


Send Carey to the ASG by casting your ballot here! ~~~ Envoyez Carey au match des étoiles en votant ici!