Could Weber help ignite the Habs anemic powerplay?


    If I were to tell you that two Swiss hockey players would start their NHL hockey career with the Canadiens and have an impact on the ice, you’d think I needed an appointment to see a psychiatrist!!!

    Well, one Swiss born player named Mark Streit has established himself as a solid powerplay specialist who can make teams respect the point shot and not key on the lower slot area.

    With that being said, if the Canadiens can’t get their PP back on track soon, maybe Bob Gainey should consider recalling Yannick Weber from Hamilton to give the Canadiens a point shot presence, something they are sadly lacking thus far.

    I’m not insinuating Yannick Weber is the “end all” solution to what ails the Habs’ powerplay, but he could be part of the puzzle which helps improve its effectiveness. Weber isn’t exactly burning up the AHL in Hamilton but has put up respectable numbers for a first year pro (GP-16 G-2 A-4 PT-6 +2 and 42 SON!!). He also didn’t look out of place in NHL pre-season games or in training camp on ice sessions……something to consider.

    Adding Weber could be the first step, though there needs to be adjustments made by the coaching staff. The Habs powerplay is a shadow of its previous two year reigning #1 ranking with a 14.6% efficiency rating (26th in the NHL) and a woeful 2 for 26 (7.7%) in their last 5 games.

    In my humble opinion, there are numerous reasons for this inefficiency:

    1. Perimeter play: One too many passes along the perimeter with forced plays to the slot which lead to turnovers (ie- Kovalev to Lang in the last game).
    2. No point shot presence: There simply isn’t anyone who strikes fear into the opponent’s penalty killing units……no Souray, no Streit!!! Teams are not overly concerned with containing or sending a player to challenge the point shot right now as the Habs don’t have anyone beyond Andrei Markov who is more of a playmaking defenseman, not a feared point shot. They are collasping four players down low and taking away space from creative players like Kovalev, Koivu and Plekanec. The Habs need a point shot to open up space in the slot and along the boards.
    3. Get a “Tomas Holmstrom” presence in front of the net: If it means sticking Guillaume Latendresse or another big body in front of the net, then please do it!! The Habs’ PP is making it far too easy for the goaltenders to see any incoming shots. They need to set up a screen in front of the crease, not just to block the goalie’s view but to occupy a defenseman down low which would open space along the boards for their playmakers to make plays or take shots. I can’t remember too many times when a player in front of the net deflected a shot for a goal…..maybe 2-3 times!!
    4. Don’t force the play: Too many times, players have been guilty of forcing plays where there aren’t any. The cross ice pass is a prime example of that and teams are defending against it. It was successful last year but has dried up since then…..if it’s open fine but don’t be one dimensional or tunnel visioned with the play.

    One way or another, Guy Carbonneau and the coaching staff have to get the powerplay straightened out by thinking outside the “box” (pardon the pun), whether its changing schemes and/or players, otherwise a huge weapon from the Canadiens’ offensive arsenal will be lost with continual struggles in potting goals.


    1. I have to think that Mathieu Carle would be ahead of Weber on the depth chart. They are very similar in style, but Carle has an extra year of experience and about 20 pounds on Weber.

      It really makes you wonder what Timmons was thinking when he drafted all these right side defenders over the past few years. Now the Dogs have moved J.T. Wyman to defense to create an even bigger logjam of right handed defense prospects.

      Wyman, Philippe Paquet, David Fischer, Mathieu Carle, Yannik Weber, Joe Stejskal, P.K. Subban, Greg Pateryn…did I leave anyone out? With the departure of Valentenko, there is only Ryan McDonagh and Nicholas Torp on the left side. Torp is a long way off, if ever he comes to North America. Scott Kishel weighs 175 pounds and can’t play regularly in the NCAA as a 19 year old.

    2. Good article Habster. I agree that Weber could be an asset on the powerplay. He adds a cannon from the point that opposing PK units don’t have to worry about now. And Weber is a HUGE upgrade over Brisebois.

      However, Weber struggled in pre-season with his defensive game and he doesn’t play physical (I know, I know…sounds like Brise) I just worry that Weber’s development may be hampered if he gets limited icetime due to his defensive liabilities. And I think that we learned that a special teams player just doesnt work in the NHL.

      I would rather focus on your other power play improvements first.

      The coaches must break down PK units and devise a better system. Canadiens must get back to being one of the best passing teams. And more players must go to the front of the net. Higgins and Koivu and the only two who go to the top of the crease with any regularity. Lastly move Tanguay off the point and Markov back to his natural side.

    3. Rob: Carle might be a slight bit bigger than Weber and possess the same passing skills, but he just doesn’t have the same heavy/accurate shot or poweplay presence that Weber has in his game.

      Rocket: I agree that Carbo needs to try something different on PP before the Weber option is considered. I would strongly suggest putting Andrei Kostitsyn’s heavy shot on the point with Markov feeding him the puck for one-timers…..and please put someone in front of the net, not just skating across in front of the net but actually standing in front of the goalie!!

      I can see Weber, D’Agostini and Chipchura eventuallt getting called up if things don’t improve soon.

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