Home Uncategorized Could Yanic Perreault be an option to consider?

Could Yanic Perreault be an option to consider?



If Bob Gainey doesn’t make a big move before the February 26th trade deadline (again it will depend on how well the team is playing), then look for him to make a big push for a solid face-off guy/specialist in the mold of a Yanic Perreault. Gainey mentioned that he might have to look at aquiring a player who can help improve this weakness in the Canadiens game if the Habs don’t improve soon

Speaking of Mr. Perreault, he’s leading the NHL in face-off percentages again with a 64.6% success rate (the above stats will not include his name as he hasn’t had enough face-off attempts. Here’s his game stats: http://blackhawks.nhl.com/team/app?page=PlayerDetail&playerId=8458561&service=page&tab=gbg).
NHL Face-off Stats: http://www.nhl.com/nhlstats/app?fetchKey=20082ALLSASAll&page=Stats&service=page&sort=faceOffWinPctg&viewName=summary

I know it’s not a sexy name but Perreault would be an affordable acquisition that would help in such a crucial aspect of the game. He would play on the fourth line, take important face-offs at critical times of a game and there is no contractual commitment for next season, it just seems like an easy decision………Bob, give Dale Talon a call and see what it would take to get Yanic out of Chicago, maybe a 4th or 5th or 6th rounder and what the hell, see if a guy by the name of Toews is available……you can’t help a Habs fan for thinking in techno-colour!!??
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Rick is the Editor-in-Chief, lead contributor, and owner of the All Habs network of websites. His mission is to build a community of Canadiens fans who are informed, engaged and connected. He is the vision behind all four sites within the network - All Habs, Habs Tweetup, We Are Canadiens, and The Montreal Forum - and is responsible for the design and layout of each. In concert with the strong belief that "Habs fans are everywhere!", Rick is pleased that people use All Habs as a conduit to find and connect with other Habs fans worldwide. He is also proud that Habs Tweetups have allowed fans to meet in person and develop long lasting friendships.