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Did the Islanders Marketing Team Go too Far?

It’s one thing for anti-Habs messages and images to appear on a fan blog, but quite another for it to be on a NHL team site. The image above is the current splash page on the official website of the New York Islanders.

Apparently the Islanders front office is frustrated that Canadiens fans consistently out number Isles fans at Habs road games at Nassau Coliseum. But, one wonders if slagging fans of another team is anything other than a cheap, desperate stunt to sell tickets?

What do you think Habs fans?  Anyone care for a Long Island Habs Tweetup?

Note: Regular readers will remember the rude and bigoted comments of an Islanders blogger and my response when Canadiens fans ‘invaded’ Long Island by the busload last December.

(h/t to @DavidPontbriand)

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