Fans Celebrate, Criminals Loot


After the celebrations of the Canadiens Game 7 victory subsided, the hooligans moved in to the downtown core and took advantage of a situation.  The morons caused property damage, robbed clothing and liquor stores and stained the reputation of Montrealers and Habs fans.

If you recognize any of the individuals engaged in criminal behaviour in the photos, please contact police and identify them.  True Habs fans don’t want this nonsense to be connected to hockey as some are trying to do in the media.


  1. No Habs gear to be seen. I doubt any of these folks even knew there was a game. The store owners should be allowed to sit in their stores on St. Catherines with a shotgun. These leeches need to be stopped becasue it's the true fans that end of getting the bad name.

  2. you're right. This was just an excuse to loot. They most likely didn't watch the game, let alone know it was on.

  3. Absolutely pathetic. These opportunistic jerks deserve to have very bad things happen to them. Sadly I don't recognize anyone, or I wouldn't only throw them under the bus, I'd drive over them a few times to boot. Idiots.

  4. I'm sorry but this is disgusting. And I hate to be the one to say it, but notice how the majority of people stealing and breaking stuff are African American? Especially if you look at the 2nd picture. Sad, but these people give the black community a very bad name. These are the same people that complain about racial profiling in the metros. Well, these pictures aren't going to help your case….. absolutely disgusting.

  5. quite sad!
    notice how none of them are wearing a habs jersey or t shirt….
    the same idiots who rioted 2 years ago…..
    really wish I could identify any of them!

  6. That's utter bullshit. These people aren't hockey fans, and we know the difference Montreal. Don't worry, we're representing the TRUE Habs fans here in Winnipeg!

  7. Well in my opinion the real problem stems from the Bell Center allowing people to watch the game on the Jumbo screen. 18,000 people in the downtown core, which would normally have been watching on there own TV's. Not to mention all the traffic it causes. I say move the Bell Center to Laval, that will solve alot of problems!

  8. I guess we can assume all blacks in Montreal are looters based on these photos? Yes? No? If no..then you shouldn't assume not one was a Montreal fan.

  9. A – no one wearing Habs gear, so they weren't from the stadium or likely around it

    B- demographic says it all

  10. Move the bell center to laval…. are you kidding me! Be realistic here. What will it do? Noting. The same people and riots will occure. And to be honest… we cannot do anything but what is being done right now. Having security. But in this case have more security… All police officers should be aware. If we as humans cannot control our actions… then what can we do?… nothing.

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