Fletcher: I haven’t talked to New York. The Rangers were never interested in the exclusive rights to Mats."


    An excerpt from Hockeybuzz.com (Howard Berger):

    TORONTO (June 24) — Amid reports that he offered Mats Sundin’s negotiating rights to the New York Rangers before awarding them to Montreal, Maple Leafs’ GM Cliff Fletcher vehemently stated today that no team other than the Canadiens was involved. “I gave Montreal exclusive rights… we didn’t talk to anyone else,” Fletcher insisted when we spoke on the phone. “I don’t know where this other stuff comes from. When you give exclusive rights, it’s to one team. I haven’t talked to New York. The Rangers were never interested in the exclusive rights to Mats.

    “This scenario — which will be at least partially solved a week from today — is spawning all kinds of rumor and innuendo, mainly because Sundin isn’t talking. Outside of Fletcher, Habs’ GM Bob Gainey, and Sundin’s agent J.P. Barry, no one in the hockey world has a clue where the veteran centre might wind up — if anyplace. Though retirement seems to be an unlikely prospect, Sundin hasn’t indicated whether he’ll play again next season, nor has he apparently boosted the Canadiens’ hopes of signing him before July 1. “I’ve talked with [Gainey] and J.P. several times, but I don’t have much of an idea where this thing is headed,” Fletcher said. “All I know is it will be clarified by this time next week.”