Genuine Draft: My Opinion on Nathan Beaulieu (and the Other Guys)


Written by Charlotte,

Photo by Nick Laham/Getty Images

MONTREAL, QC. — So the Draft brought us out from under our blankets, blinking into the blinding sun (assuming it wasn’t raining where you where) where we vowed to hibernate ’til October for risk of getting some of that Bruins victory on our precious eyeballs. Sadly emerging from our cocoons increased risk of such exposure, especially if you were watching the NHL Network, but hey let’s talk about the Draft!

Pierre Gauthier was on screen as we watched the exploding trade rumours unfold solely because he was happily chatting with Stan Bowman. However the Blackhawks were picking right after — probably should have done it for the sheer comedy of having Gary Bettman announce a 17 to 18 swap. I’m assuming Bowman was checking that his guy wouldn’t be taken. I also wouldn’t be shocked if one day the Habs trade one of their many depth defencemen for one of the Hawks’ many depth forwards. PS, not cool Minnesota. Pierre Gauthier was only wishing a happy St-Jean Baptist Day to Habs fans back home you USA chanting, booing droogs. But I digress. To the picks!

Nathan Beaulieu – D
Round: 1st (17th overall)
– Big.
– Fast.
– Solid.
– Kissed the Memorial Cup.
– Wants to be Drew Doughty.
– Wants the puck.
– From the QMJHL , so someone will be happy.
– Can’t speak French, so someone won’t be happy.
– Dad’s a CHL coach/GM.
– Loves the media.
– Or so he says. Until they find out he can’t speak French.
– Does the old “speedbag” face punchy fight stuff if he has to.
– So far #28 is available. (Sorry Chipper)!

Josiah Didier – D
Round: 4th (97th overall)
– Has a cool name.
– Climbed his way up the Central Scouting list.
– Big.
– Going the University way so Habs won’t have to worry about a contract ’til later.

Olivier Archambault – LW
Round: 4th (108th overall)
– Can be seen currently walking on cloud 9 while rubbing the logo on his draft sweater.
– Former 1st overall QMJHL pick of 2009.
– Supposed attitude problems got him traded to Drummondville.
– I honestly don’t see that as punishment.
– I mean he played for Val D’Or! You’d want out of there too if you were him.
– Apparently seemed convinced to do everything himself.
– But like I said, he played for Val D’Or.
– Dueled my boy Eli Sherbatov in one round of midget wrestling. (video link
– Scores sneaky awesome goals.

Magnus Nygren – D
Round: 4th (113th overall)
– 21 years old but already plays with Farjestad.
– Remember Mikael Johansson? Usually assists on his goals.
– Bigger Swedish version of Yannick Weber.
– Dude, his name is MAGNUS.
– Comments on YouTube seem to be in his favour. He has fans.

Darren Dietz – D
Round: 5th (138th overall)
– Got top 4 duties in his first year.
– Worked up to the powerplay’s 1st unit.
– Big.

– Thinks an orange is a vegetable.

– Punches stuff when he has to.
– Hits stuff cleanly and is then forced to punch more stuff. That’s Junior hockey for you…

Daniel Pribyl – C
Round: 6th (168th overall)
– My brother says he sounds like a bigger, lankier Plekanec.
– I have no problem with that.

Colin Sullivan – D
Round: 7th (198th overall)
– He actually waited the whole 7 rounds to hear his name so give him props for that!
– He’s a Rangers fan from Connecticut.
– Going to Yale to be a smarty pants hockey player.
– Outstanding, fluid skater
– Has plenty of room to make good on all the nice things I’ve heard about him.

Disclaimer: I am not a scout, and I’ve only really seen Beaulieu play (and a little bit of Archambault, Dietz) but I am pretty cool with the picks regardless of how facetious I come across. Depth defencemen are the NHL’s 2nd favourite currency after the 2nd round pick and while you won’t get a Crosby out of one, you can get picks, prospects, or a role player rental without causing too much pain to your organization. I mean look how many times Brett Festerling moved around this past season! And I’m sorry if I’ve offended Val D’Or, it’s just so easy to pick on. Besides, I prefer Rouyn!


  1. I too was disgusted that the Minny fans started booing Gauthier when he began speaking French. And we’ve all had to hear the obnoxious chants of “USA! USA!” from certain fanbases that will not be mentioned. But apparently Habs fans are the disrespectable fanbase. Ya, sure, that makes sense…

    As for the picks, I’m pretty happy (although I guess it will depend on how they all develop in the long run). Habs landed Beaulieu when he was projected somewhere around 10th to 15th. Cool. The other guys are later picks, so I would think it would be more a matter of picking guys who seem like they could actually play at a higher level, regardless of their position.

    Thanks for the info, Charlotte!

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