Guess what’s back…


    UPDATE: Cancelled! Bob Gainey said ‘no’ to the barber-pole jerseys for Tuesday’s game against Chicago. Instead the Habs will wear ‘CA’ vintage sweaters from 1915-16.

    The barber pole jerseys will make another appearance on Tuesday night when the Canadiens face the Black Hawks. The CAC (Club Athletique Canadien) sweaters date from the 1912-13 team.


    1. Oh god….. NOOOOOOO! I mean… I think I actually like those jerseys in a “omg, they’re so ugly they may just be cute” type of way but….Those jerseys are cursed and everyone makes fun of us….

    2. O.T., I see that the possibility of investing in the Habs has come up in the government legislature. Proof positive that putting the word out has had the desired effect.

    3. Good comments. Sarah you are right, it’s not easy to watch the game when the Habs are wearing the barber pole jerseys.

      I have to agree EP. I am fond of the sweaters on an odd way. Its the matching socks that I can do without.

    4. “Proof positive”? That’s a joke, right?

      The separatists made a ridiculous proposal and that somehow trumps what Gillett has been saying?

      Incidentally La Caisse is the same set of geniuses who lost $40 billion last year…that’s about 130 Montreal Canadiens hockey teams.

      The Ontario Teachers Pension Fund is the worst thing to happen to the Leafs. Why would we want to repeat their mistake here?

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