Guest Article: Game Night in Montreal — Wow!


I am pleased to feature another guest article to All Habs, this time from a visiting NY Islander fan. Katrina Doell made the trip to Montreal from Long Island and shares her thoughts on the game and her Bell Centre experience.

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Game Night in Montreal — Wow!
by Katrina Doell

My first impression of the Bell Centre in Montreal? Wow.

If you are a hockey fan, no matter what team you bleed for, you must come to Montreal. You need to see the Bell Centre.

I have been on a week long trip through southeastern Canada (Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal) and it has changed me and the way I look at hockey fans. As much as I have always been a hockey fan myself, it’s different here. Hockey is the national pastime in Canada, like baseball is in the United States. It’s not just a game — it’s a social event, family bonding time, and the passion of sport all rolled into one 60 minute experience.

But I must admit, Montreal and the Bell Centre has been my favorite of this trip and I already can not wait to come back. When I do, I think it will be a non-Islanders game, so that I can cheer “Go Habs Go” with 22,000 other screaming fans. (The official attendance for this game was listed on as 21,273. If felt like there was 70,000 people there)

What a rush it was it was to pile in to the arena with thousands of fans who were all dressed in some Canadiens gear at game time. (By the way, I like the 7:30 start better than 7 p.m. Islanders games at the Coliseum)

My friend and I had very filling and delicious dinner at a wonderful steakhouse across the street from the arena, ran back up to our hotel room at the Sheraton and threw on our Mark Streit Islanders t-shirts. These shirts did draw some comment from the home fans, but not with out a laugh and a smile.

The arena itself is spectacular. Walking to our seats in section 330, the first thing I noticed is the HUGE scoreboard which seemed half the size of the ice. With screens that big, there is no action that can be missed.

Before the player introductions and singing of the American and Canadian National Anthems, a video rundown of each player is displayed on the screens. It was great to see native Long Islanders Mike Komisarek and Chris Higgins receive a nice round of applause.

I can’t imagine the Bell Centre is not a packed house every night. The sea of red and the passionate cheering is something I have only seen at the Coliseum in the playoffs. (As incredible as my experience in Montreal was, I don’t think ANYTHING can beat the Coliseum in the playoffs.)

The Islanders out shot the Canadiens 39-26, and goalie Cary Price was a thrill to watch. Islanders goalie Yann Danis, who hails from 25 miles outside of Montreal, played very well before the home crowd and did not disappoint this Islanders fan.

Mike Iggulden scored the first goal of his NHL career 11:33 into the first period to tie it at one. Frans Nielson gave the Islanders a 2-1 lead 51 seconds into the third, but that lead would not hold and Tom Kostopoulos tied it at 2 at 9:14.

Kyle Okposo scored the game winner in overtime for the 3-2 Islanders win, making the entire experience even more worth it for me!

Even though it was a tough week for Canadiens fans, as their coach was fired and the team seems to be floundering, the support they gave to the team was beautiful. There was minimal booing, but nothing like I have experienced when a very talented home team in New York hits a rocky patch.

The next morning, before leaving Montreal for our trip home, I went back over to the Bell Centre to take pictures and shop at the team store.

I am a Yankees fan, and to see all the history – the bronze statues of Guy Lafleur, Maurice Richard, Howie Morenz, and Jean Beliveau; the walkway of bricks marking milestones in Canadiens history; the display of each Stanley Cup winning year – gave me a glimpse in to the heart of a Canadiens fan. (I had to be dragged out of the team store after spending quite a few dollars).

I will be back.


  1. I always like to see people enjoying coming to Montreal and seeing the Habs. I wasn’t too far behind you in section 336. I wish you had seen the Habs playing better though and the crowd being better. They’re usually WAY more noisy than that…. that was sad…Glad you had a good time though!

  2. Hey Katrina,

    Nice article!!

    Glad to hear you had a great time at the Bell Centre. There is no better place to watch a hockey game in the NHL (let alone the world…..LOL!!).

    You’re right when you say there is so much passion for hockey throughout Canada, especially Montreal/Quebec.

    I can remember the great Islanders’ teams of the early 80’s that took over the reins from the great Canadiens teams.

    I can remember the crazy atmosphere in the Nassau Coliseum during these years, but it has out grown its usefulness.

    Here’s hoping the Charles Wang can convince (or blackmail…LOL) the Nassau county to help finance a new arena, creating another great hockey venue for a very young yet good, hard working Isles team!!

  3. “I will be back.”

    And you will be taking me with you, lol.

    As if I didn’t want to see a game, ANY game, at the Bell Centre bad enough before… your view as a fellow Islanders fan has made me sure that now I just have to. You gave me chills.

    I’m so glad you had a wonderful trip and thanks for the great recap.

    See you at the Isles / Habs game on April 2nd!

  4. Thank you for the feedback everyone! I agree with 7thwoman and Dani: Let’s get a bus next year and do a tour!

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