Habs set for 100th anniversary celebrations


    Here’s an excerpt from the Globesports.com article regarding tonight’s season opener at the Bell Centre with some thoughts from rehabilitating players Christopher Higgins, Francis Bouillon and Georges Laraque:

    All three are anxious to join the party, particularly Laraque, who signed with the Canadiens this summer but missed all of the preseason with a groin injury.

    “I have to be caught up in it because I was born here, my whole family’s here and they’ve been talking about it all summer,” Laraque said. “Even before I signed here they kept saying, ‘It’s the perfect time to come to the Canadiens, you’ve got to come,’ every single day.

    “I watched the games with my cousins because the team was on the road and they’re all wrapped up in it. The atmosphere is unbelievable. I haven’t worn the jersey yet. That, more than anything, is what I’m most anxious about. As a kid born in Montreal to wear the Montreal jersey for the first time — I’m anxious to be out there.”