Her First Habs Game: It’s all About Subban


Written by LadyE, AllHabs

MONTREAL, QC. — We’re going to the hockey game!

No sooner had the words escaped my lips, my daughter was scrambling to get her jacket on.

“We have to leave mom!” she insisted .

This was my daughter’s first Habs game. A birthday present, since Little Miss is turning 10 on February 2.

The Buffalo Sabres are in town. A team that is hungry. They are fighting for a playoff spot as are our beloved boys in the Blue, Blanc Rouge. This game should be a good one!

Why is it snowing? My first game of the season was October 24, 2011, when the Canadiens played the Florida Panthers and it was pouring rain that day. Habs lost that game 2-1, so this snow is not a good sign. Not a good sign at all.

It’s 6:00 pm., doors open and the crowd excitedly shuffles in through the main doors.

Game night at the Bell Centre. Electric.

We have an hour and half before puck drop and I want her to absorb as much as possible. First stop, the Habs Zone. We desperately needed to purchase a P.K. Subban t-shirt.

“Can’t see the game without wearing his number, Mom. It just doesn’t feel right,” she declared.


Second stop, food. Several moments later, wallet slightly lighter, she is happily devouring her pizza and fries.

Time to stroll the promenade. Her initial reaction is to notice that so many people are drinking beer. One guy actually is wearing his jersey backwards!

This is novel.  You see, at Selena Gomez and Jonas Brother’s concerts, there is no alcohol consumption.

“So disturbing,” she proclaims.

She stops in mid-stride. Grabs my arm and says “Mom, isn’t that… It is? Isn’t it?” I turn my head and look to where she is pointing. Yup, it’s Brian Wilde.

“Mom, can we talk to him? Is that allowed?”

I muster up my courage and and we approach him.

“Oh, please don’t think we’re crazy, please don’t think we’re crazy” were the thoughts running through my mind.

We introduce ourselves and have a truly pleasant conversation.

What a great guy! So down to earth!

She was left awestruck, mind you so was Mommy!

Thank goodness he didn’t think we were crazed fans.

Off we go to claim our seats. The boys are warming up and I don’t want her to miss a single moment.

“I can see their faces,” she gushed, face beaming.


She spies P.K. and jumps up and says “Mom there he is! P.K! P.K! Over here!”

I, on the other hand, had my eyes glued on my warrior Gorges and my special love. Yes there it is. My admission. I adore Scott Gomez!


The boys skate off the ice, the lights go off. She grabs my hand. She is shaking with excitement!

The ‘CH’ starts beating at center ice and she squeals with delight.

Time for the introductions!

One by one they skate on to the ice and we cheer and clap with wild abandon!

A salute to our boys in uniform, the National Anthems sung.

Puck drop!

Pacioretty’s goal set the Bell Centre on fire. Alas, it was not for long. Although the fans were chanting, cheering there were some boos, much to my chagrin.

Everytime Scott Gomez had the puck I would scream out “Let’s get that goal, Scott” causing my section to start chanting “Gomez, Gomez, Gomez!” I think they were afraid to say anything negative!

Little Miss wanted to go ask the security guard if she could go see P.K. when he was in the penalty box. I told her that it was not allowed.

She retorted, “Why would they say no to a little girl? Look at me! I am adorable! And I am wearing a Subban shirt!”

Three goals later, the Buffalo Sabres leave Montreal with the win.

Damn that snow.

The best thing about the evening? Watching her throughout the night, dancing and clapping and cheering, screaming for Youppi to come to her, looking for the cameras so she can be on the scoreboard, and yelling out P.K.’s name every time he was on the ice.

That was the experience I wanted her to have.

And she got it.


  1. This Brian Wilde fella seems pretty cool.

    Seriously, great to share a little time. Her enthusiasm in those few moments is the light of the world we all hope to feel warming our own skin.

    • Yes this Brian Wilde fella is awesome! I just showed Little Miss your comment and she is beaming. Thank you for being a part of her first game. She will never forget the conversation!!

  2. I remember my first Habs game: Birthday present when I was 8. I went with my dad (who was not a Habs fan, but remains one of my favourite people in the world) and was heckled all game (Oh Vancouver fans), but I still remember it as one of the best nights of my life (even though we lost, surprise surprise).

    It took me a really long time to see them again (last year with a twitter friend and actual Habs fan), but this year I’m living in Montreal and for my 30th birthday (time flies) I got the chance to see the Habs at the Bell Centre for the first time last night too.

    It’s nice to read an account of the game that almost mirrors my own (alas I was too far from the penalty box to even contemplate seeing PK!). I hope Little Miss is still cheering on the boys with the same reckless abandon 20 years from now!

  3. All the squeeling with delight, the eyes glued to the players, not missing a single moment from the second the boys jumped on the ice – these are my magical moments, too. I’m 40 and my game was in Tampa, and I still shook with excitement after seeing my Habs again live for the first time in over 20 years! It’s great to hear that kids are still in awe of the team, and that they’re not afraid to show their excitement! It doesn’t fade.

    • Thanks for your comment Tara! Everytime I see them my heart skips a beat!! My daughter adores this team and Subban of course!! She’s isn’t afraid to show her excitement,trust me!!

  4. I’ll never forget my first habs game in Vancouver in 1993, they won of course, I’ll never forget scrounging every penny I had with my best friend to buy two flights and tickets to the 11th and 10th last games at the Forum, and I’ll never forget taking my 72 year old father, a lifelong habs fan to the Bell Centre last season. Unfortunately they won the first three games I mentioned and failed to even show up for the last two, but he, like your daughter was like a young boy. We made a sign “Gorges pour Norris” and he ran up to the glass in the pre-game skate and pressed it against the glass and waved.

    It was something I’ll never forget, I couldn’t believe my normally shy timid father was acting like a little kid!

    A moment to cherish for both your daughter and my pops. He’s never met Josh, but he comes from the same town, and courtesy of a buddy who knows him, now has an autographed hat courtesy of Josh enscribed “To Joe, thank you for all of your support! Josh Gorges #26”.

    Can’t wait to see the look on his face when I give it to him.

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