Hockey Night in Canada Takes Interest in All Habs’ Feud


posted by Rocket
All Habs

Shortly after the final siren to tonight’s game, as disappointed Habs fans were ‘licking’ their wounds, Twitter users read the following message:

“Interesting stat of the night….Price is 10W, 32L in last 42 starts. Hmm.”

There was a fair bit of blame to go around for the loss, but this one couldn’t be pinned on Price. But this is Montreal, and with no shortage of Price-haters, the “interesting stat” began to be re-tweeted.

Unknown to many Twitter users was that the source of the original message was none other than Allan Walsh, player agent for Jaroslav Halak. Walsh isn’t exactly an objective source or a disinterested party.

I decided to reply to one user who had re-tweeted Walsh’s original message and copied it to Walsh. My message set off a short back and forth between Walsh and I.

All Habs: “Not exactly an objective source. That stat came from Halak’s agent. Advocacy like that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. @walsha”

Walsh: “Sorry you don’t like the stat, if the stat was wrong, you may have a point..I was pointing out an interesting stat for fans.”

All Habs: “I think we both know what the intent was. I would prefer seeing you present to fans, stats for your own client.”

Walsh: “It’s no secret who my client is….and very relevant stat as it relates to my client.”

The Twitter conversation was monitored by Jeff Marek at Hockey Night in Canada. He raised it during the Coast to Coast segment during the first intermission of the Calgary Flames — New York Rangers game.

Walsh’s comments struck a nerve with HNIC’s Kelly Hrudey.

Hrudey jumped on Walsh’s comments saying, “It makes me sick. I hate it and I’ll tell you why. I have no problem with an agent sticking up for his client and telling management and whomever that this is what I think about my guy, the team and the direction and all that, but to make that public really annoys me.”

Hrudey continued, “If I’m Carey Price, that’s already starting a fight between me and the other guy. I would actually go to the goalie the next day and say ‘You know what? Tell your agent to shut up!’ You know what, we have to work together in this whole thing and we do need competition and we have to battle through this but don’t start doing that. Don’t pit us against each other. Don’t make a separation between the two of us that are in this together. That annoys me!”

Ron MacLean added,”It’s a good point about the feud he’s beginning without really knowing it.”

I don’t object to player agents advocating on behalf of their clients. It’s their job. Whether they should be making a case to an NHL general manager rather than trying to shift public opinion is up for debate. But what I really object to is Walsh posting disparaging statistics about another player in order to indirectly promote his client. And it was done in a way that many fans would not recognize it was coming from the Halak camp.

Now Walsh is a self-described Sports Agent/Lawyer so a glib remark might be that its unrealistic to expect ethical behaviour. But I prefer to believe otherwise. In my opinion, it is outrageous to trash a client’s teammate in public. It’s also very unprofessional. Walsh was out of line trying to turn fans against Price in order to promote Halak’s standing.

As Hrudey said, it could also ignite a dressing room controversy between Halak and Price. Is Walsh really trying to pit the two against each other?

It’s not in Halak’s best interest to have an agent who is creating drama. Jaro should be reigning Walsh in.

After the segment aired on CBC, Walsh sent the following Twitter message to Marek:

“It was a tongue in cheek comment not meant to be taken seriously, forgot it was Montreal and everyone loses a sense of humor.”

So within the time period of a few hours, Walsh’s description of his original message went from a “very relevant stat as it relates to my client” to essentially, a joke. And according to Walsh, it was the kind of joke that was lost on the citizens of Montreal.

Dave Stubbs, of Habs Inside/Out replied to Walsh on Twitter:

“Allan, Habs goaltending is NEVER a laughing matter, hasn’t been since the days of Georges Vézina”

Stubbs is right. This is Montreal. Everything hockey-related is taken seriously. Walsh should and does know better. He knew exactly what he was doing. He is well aware that people are ready to pounce on any goalie controversy in this city.

But by doing it in a public way, Walsh wasn’t doing his client any favors. This will hurt Halak in the end. I don’t expect that his underhanded techniques are going to be good for business either.

After a Canadiens loss where goaltending was not to blame, Walsh’s low maneuver was rather unwelcome. The last thing the Habs need is someone stirring up controversy for selfish reasons.


  1. There are worms every where, even among "sport agents"…
    Yeah, taking it public shows a lack of class, and God knows there are enough of those among Hockey fans…
    I say put a muzzle on him!

  2. Well said. This kind of thing makes me sick. The goalies have enough problems with the team in front of them, they don't need problems with each other.

    It will be interesting to see whether Jaro responds to this and how.

  3. Great recap. Walsh isn't stupid – he knew the effects this would have. It's not like he's new to the city of Montreal and/or doesn't understand how seriously hockey is taken in Canada.

    I totally agree with you (and Hrudey) – its just brutal. Makes you wonder if he's trying to push the Habs into making a commitment to one of two RFA goalies sooner than later.

  4. I think Ron McLean commented on Mr. Stubbs reply by saying something along the line of "I didn't know they had Twitter in the days of Vezina." lol

  5. Great article.

    While I'm sure his intention is always to have his client in a positive light or a better deal…

    I'm not sure that it's very wise for an agent to promote his client in this way…. highlighting his teammate's numbers in a negative light to bolster his client.

    Social media (online) has changed many rules and while it's so much easier to relay news it's also much easier to stir up controversy.

  6. So Jaro's agent thinks Jaro should be playing, and Gainey thinks Price should be playing… No wonder Jacques would like to just "play the hot hand" regardless of how the tender actually plays!

    Hopefully Pricey is built of thicker stuff these days, to let this get to him.

  7. Way to go. I didn't realize this was happening when I was working the gospel show at the Joe. See Twitter does matter.

  8. Someone needs to shut his loud and arrogant mouth. He's just ruining Jaro's reputation and sounding like an idiot for causing all this drama. I hope the goalies won't be affected by this act of stupidness from Mr. Walsh.

    Take care, Jay

  9. Thanks for all the comments, and compliments. The support is much appreciated.

    Sami, with respect to your technical issue, I would appreciate discussing it with you via email. We can't seem to replicate your specific problem. Please send an email to allhabs[at] gmail[dot]com

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