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If The Canadiens Had A Yearbook…

By Rookie, with contributions from the team

graphic by Czechtacular

MONTREAL, QC. — You may remember the notes that All Habs team member Laura wrote to the Canadiens at the beginning of the season. Unfortunately, the season ended a week ago, so it’s time to say goodbye to this year’s team. I wish there were yearbooks, so we could write to the Canadiens and tell them about all the fun we had this year. But since no such yearbook exists, I guess the All Habs team and I will have to make do.

So here we go, in alphabetical order…

To Alex Auld, from Stevo: What was expected out of you this season was not a task that’s easy for any goaltender to accept, yet I have only admiration for the way you handled it. You were basically asked to sit out most of the season, only starting a total of twelve games, yet you managed to only pick up two regular time losses. You never complained about your ice time, never spoke out in the media about not being happy with your role, and you proved to everyone that Pierre Gauthier was right in signing you, over a cheaper goaltender that might not have accepted this role, as brilliantly as you did.

To Mike Cammalleri: I’m really happy that we get to see you next year and watch you score more beautiful goals. Your playoff points per game average was better this year than last year, which kind of blows my mind because I still can’t stop talking about last year’s playoffs. I already miss watching you play hockey!

To Mathieu Darche: You had a lot on your shoulders this season, being bounced from line to line. I can only imagine that it kept you on your toes. You must have dealt with a lot during media scrums, since you’ve been blessed/cursed with such articulate bilingualism. It must have sucked to be the guy that so many people needed answers from. You handled it extremely well and the media and fans were lucky to have you around this season.

To David Desharnais, from RobertPTome: I’ve been impressed since day one of your career in the big league. You’re the kind of player that despite small size, always plays big. You get to the puck in the dirty areas of the rink and will fight a hard battle to keep position. You were a great asset in the playoffs. I already see you as great player and I know that you’ll do nothing but improve as the years go on.

To Lars Eller: I knew nothing about you when the season started. Now, I couldn’t be happier to have you on the team. I leapt out of my seat at the Bell Centre when you scored your first goal as a Hab. I know that there will be many, many more goals, and I can’t wait to see them.

To Hal Gill: I feel like “Thanks for being tall” should be enough. But it’s not. You took care of your teammates this year. You had PK Subban’s back. We probably owe you big-time for that. And you made us laugh this season, which is more important than you’d think.

To Brian Gionta, from Rick Stephens: I heard today that your golf game with Carey, Lars and Hal was cut short due to the rain.  I think that there is a message in that — you belong on the ice at this time of the year, not on a golf green. What is sometimes forgotten is that this was your first year as captain of the Canadiens, following in the footsteps of some of the legends of the game.  Publicly, you represented the organization and faced the media on a daily basis without a mis-step.  In the dressing room, you deserve credit for your part in the leadership of this group of players who continue to exhibit strong chemistry. You should also be recognized for your work in the community.  Thanks to you and Scott for your financial support of the Bell Centre suite that gives an opportunity for children to see a game.

To Scott Gomez: You took a lot of heat this season and I’m sorry about that. But you kept your head up the whole time, and you accepted full responsibility for your season during postmortem interviews. Not everyone can do that. I really admire your bravery.

To Josh Gorges: You played all this time hiding an injury, and no one even suspected it until a few games before you closed up shop for the season. (That broke my heart, by the way.) You came to this team four years ago with little fanfare, but everyone missed you as soon as you were put on IR this season. You’ve come a long way, and I can’t wait to see you back in a Habs uniform next season – and every year after that.

To Jeff Halpern: When I saw you play with the LA Kings last year, I had no idea you’d become the kind of Canadien that comes through for his team when they need it the most. Thank you.

To Roman Hamrlik: The team benefited greatly from your experience, your work ethic, and your slapshot. It makes me really happy to think that you like Montreal and want to stay here no matter how intense it is as a hockey city.

To Andrei Kostitsyn: I know you had a lot to deal with this year, but that’s because a lot of people didn’t realize just how much you were doing. You had a few goalless streaks, sure, but you always seemed to end them at just the right time. You weren’t afraid to use your size, and let’s face it, we couldn’t really ask for more, what with all the short jokes other teams’ fans like to hurl at us.

To Paul Mara, from Stevo: I complained from the first second Pierre Gauthier traded for you, and I must say, I do not have one bad thing to say about the way you played since you were re-signed by the Canadiens. You played within your limits, provided some toughness which was missing, defended your teammates when necessary, and proved to be a reliable acquisition going down the stretch towards the playoffs.

To Andrei Markov, from LadyHabs: When you went down once again, it broke my heart. I could see the frustration etched across your face. I sincerely hope to see you in the lineup next year, and I hope you don’t have to face knee issues again.

To Travis Moen: I heard someone refer to you as the team strongman. It was the first time I’d heard that word used in a hockey context, but it makes perfect sense. Thank you for being unbreakable. I’m sure we all, at times, wish we had a Travis Moen in our circle of friends.

To Max Pacioretty, from LadyHabs: When I look back on this season, I will always remember that terrifying hit. The “ping” sound of your head hitting the stanchion will forever be with me, and I’m so incredibly thankful that you are okay. You truly are an inspiration, and I can’t wait to see you back on the ice next season.

To Alexandre Picard: Being bounced in and out of the lineup must be tough. Through it all, though, you did what you had to do and tried not to draw any attention to yourself, proving the adage that a good defenceman can make himself invisible.

To Tomas Plekanec: In case you were wondering, Czechtacular and I were those girls up in the cheap seats, screaming louder than everyone else when you were awarded the Molson Cup in February. You deserved it. And you deserve all of the cheers and the fans and the people who quickly changed their mind about you when they saw just how insanely good you were this season.

To Benoit Pouliot: When you were first traded here, I spent days wondering what the last couple of seasons would have been like if the Habs had drafted you in the first place. My conclusion was that you came to Montreal under the best of circumstances, and we’d definitely take you over that other guy we traded you for, any day of the week.

To Carey Price, from LadyHabs: You should be so proud of everything that you accomplished this season. You faced enormous pressure, and merely scoffed at it, making us so comfortable and proud to have you between the pipes. Keeping you on the team was definitely the best decision management has made in a very long time. Don’t let the fact that you were shunned out of deserving Vezina & Hart nominations deter you. You have an exciting career ahead of you.

To Tom Pyatt: Can I just say how much I love the fast, defensive #94 I saw during the playoffs? It was just what the team needed from you against a team like the Bruins.

To Brent Sopel: I never in a million years expected you to be traded to the Habs. I also never expected that you’d win over the entire city right away. I’m very proud to be a fan of a team made up of good guys, and that’s exactly what you are: kooky, enthusiastic, a good-natured family man. It felt like you were just as excited to be in Montreal this season as we were to have you here.

To Jaroslav Spacek: “I woke up with two knees and no big boobs” is far and away the quote of the season, and believe me when I say there was a whole lot of competition from your teammates. Being a Canadiens fan is even more fun when you’re around.

To P.K. Subban, from LadyHabs: You were one of the most exciting things the team had going for them this season. You absolutely lit up the ice, and never once lost your composure despite the taunting you were subjected to from other players and media personalities. I can’t wait to watch your career progress.

To Yannick Weber, from Rick Stephens: You made a major stride forward this season in silencing critics of your defensive play. It was impressive how you used positioning to defend against larger forwards and showed a physical edge to your game. You proved that you are a NHL defenseman who deserves a spot in the lineup every game, being one of the Canadiens’ best defensemen on many nights, mid-season. We appreciate your work ethic and versatility to take on any role that you are asked to play.  However, we hope to see you have a regular spot on the power-play next season so that you can unleash the team’s hardest shot more often.

To Ryan White: What a year. I’ve been hoping for a while that you’d get a permanent spot on the roster, and you earned it this season. You knew what you were doing with every check, every goal, every fight. And, obviously, you never gave the team anything less than everything you had. I knew you had it in you.

To James Wisniewski: You came to Montreal when we were crazy worried about the defense on this team, and suddenly our worries went away. What more could we ask for?

Hope you have a great summer, boys. See you soon.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this post. Readers, you’re more than welcome to write your own yearbook notes in the comments!

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