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Koivu: The Hero’s Return, A West Coast Perspective

I am pleased to publish an article from Chris of the blog And he shoots…he scores!! who has graciously agreed to share her thoughts with All Habs readers about Saku Koivu’s return to Montreal from the perspective of an Anaheim Ducks fan.  I’m sure that she would be happy to respond to your comments.

by Ducks54, Special to

ANAHEIM, CA. — “We got Koivu.”

What?! I had heard the rumors that Saku Koivu might be considering my team, the Anaheim Ducks, as his next franchise following an incredible 13 years with the Montreal Canadiens, but I didn’t think our chances were very high to get him. After all, didn’t his little brother play for the Minnesota Wild? Surely, he would want to join him.

“Saku Koivu. He just signed a one-year contract with the Ducks.”

Being a hockey fan in Southern California, you don’t hear much about other teams. Heck, you don’t hear much about your own team. But I did know of Saku Koivu. I’d seen clips of him play, I knew he captained the Canadiens for nine years, I knew he had fought and won a battle with cancer. I’d heard interviews he’s given and I had respect for the poised and respectful athlete he appeared to be. And I knew that Montreal Habs fans loved him.

Having such a storied player join my young Southern California club was momentous indeed. Unfortunately, not every Duck fan would understand how lucky we were to get him, but I, for one, was incredibly excited. I reassured Habs fans, “don’t worry, we’ll take good care of your captain.”

A year and a half later, Duck fans have realized what an amazing player we acquired in Koivu. Competitive at the faceoff dot, a force to be reckoned with on the penalty kill, a mentor and quiet leader in the locker room, an ambassador for the sport with the media, and a congenial and cordial smile always willing to sign an autograph for a fan, Koivu has made his mark in Anaheim. He has many fans here, as evident by the number of Koivu jerseys you see at Duck games now.

All of the fanfare surrounding his return to Montreal for the Ducks game against the Habs is a bit amusing for us Duck fans. I mean, yes, we understand what an incredible player and person he is, but hockey is not a lifestyle here. I, for one, was deeply curious to watch an entire city give their former captain a hero’s welcome despite the fact that he now wears a visiting team’s sweater.

I watched Saku’s press conference prior to the game. It gave me chills to hear him say that touching down in the plane on Montreal soil felt to him like coming home. To see the love and admiration in his eyes for the city and people of Montreal, you could tell just how much this homecoming meant to him.

I got tears in my eyes watching Saku take the ice at the Bell Centre to a standing ovation of Habs fans. He skated alone, while players from both teams stayed in their benches and tapped their sticks. The crowd cheered loudly when the Bell Centre showed a video clip of Saku on the ice in his return after missing nearly an entire season to cancer. Many held up signs reading “Welcome home, Saku” and “Thank you Saku.” And they chanted his name as the game started.

The game itself was a nailbiter, but it seems that a lot of Ducks games are nowadays. We don’t protect leads well. Thanks to a wrister by Bobby Ryan and phenomenal saves by Jonas Hiller in the shootout, the Ducks were still able to get that win.

It was an emotional end, with the Anaheim Ducks team pouring out from the bench and onto center ice to not only give the ceremonial fist bumps and helmet pats to teammates, but broad smiles and embraces for their alternate captain as well. They knew how important this game was to Saku. It’s just another testament to the respect and brothership Saku earns in the locker room.

He was awarded the second star of the game, and once again skated out to center ice amongst a standing ovation. Raising his stick, putting his hand over his heart and waving to the crowd, Saku thanked them. Watching their televisions, Duck fans shared the moment of admiration for their alternate captain.

After all, there’s one thing we Duck fans can agree with Habs fans on. Saku Koivu deserves every bit of our praise.

Kudos to the Habs organization and fans for doing a homecoming right, in a way that only a hockey city can.

(Photo credit: REUTERS/Shaun Best)

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