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Kovalev, Latendresse and other random thoughts

Guillaume Latendresse watched the last couple of games from the press box. Not too long ago, I would have complained about how illogical it was to have Laraque in the lineup and let a much more talented kid out but then Gui answered questions from the Montreal media. I know Rocket covered the article lately but I happened to see the whole interview and the article was incorrect and incomplete.

First off, Latendresse explained that he didn’t fully understood why he was taken out of the lineup which I can understand to a certain extent. I personally think he was working hard for a player who started the season on the first line with some success and was taken out of it without much explanation other than Higgins was back from injury. Gui then proceeded to explain that he didn’t fully understood what coach Carbonneau explained when he met with him and Sergei. This is a problem. If my boss ask me to do something and I don’t get it, I ask him to explain some more. But I could understand how the kid is slightly scared to tell his coach he doesn’t get it. My biggest problem was when a journalist asked Lats what he can do more to keep his place with the team. It isn’t a direct quote but it’s close: “I guess they want me to produce more. Maybe they want me to try some of those moves even if the confidence isn’t there” WHAT? Dude let’s look at your coaching staff; Carbonneau, Muller, Jarvis with Bob Gainey as the GM. If there is one thing even a young bum like you should know about them is they weren’t about flashy move. Work harder, go to the net, screen the goaltender and do your best to avoid turnovers. That’s all they want you to do, trust me!

Alex Kovalev is a different beast. You can’t change Kovy, he’ll still try some moves nobody else wants to think about. He’ll create turnovers and scoring opportunities aplenty. Some might say scoring opportunities on both sides and that would be true. But right now Alex knows he isn’t scoring. He knows he isn’t getting the puck in on those chances and I think I see him try a bit too hard right now. I’m fine with him shooting on the net, he has a solid shot but sometimes he just kill the team momentum by circling back and forth and just trying to blast one. I hope he won’t forget that he has great vision and he should pass the puck when the best opportunity is there.

Ryan O’Byrne should be brought back in the lineup. He doesn’t deserve to stay out of the lineup that long and I hope Carbo will bring him back against Tampa Bay.

Robert Lang doesn’t get the credit he deserve. I think he’s playing solid hockey and he’s producing more than Plekanec, Higgins and many more. Actually, there is only one player (before tonight’s game) with more goals than him and it’s Alex Tanguay who I think is a bit too frisky for my tastes anyway.

Tom Kosotpoulos is playing solid hockey and should be signed for 3 or 4 years. He isn’t the kind of player that will ask for the moon and he will always give you the same thing: hard work each and every night.

I love seeing how Price and Gorges swapped places during the practice on Sunday. You can clearly see these two guys have chemistry and fun together. Considering what I knew of Price, I find is weird to see him being one of the players who create the most fun on the ice, especially after the games.

Well, that’s it boys and girls. Hopefully you guys will enjoy the game. Expect a review shortly after.

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