We’re always happy to connect with passionate fans and readers of All Habs Hockey Magazine whether it is via the comments section or on social media. It’s also gratifying to know that our message is reaching Habs fans all over the world. This is an email sent to our mailbag from a hockey fan in Germany who agreed to share his story with you.

Hey there,
I just read your All Habs Mailbag and decided to give it a go.
My name is Simeon and I’m from Mannheim, Germany. I live some kilometres away from Mannheim but that’s my hockey hometown. I am huge fan of the Eagles (Adler Mannheim of the Deutsche Eishockey Liga) since 1997 and have been a season ticket holder for quite a while now. My love for that sport eventually made me realize that hockey in the NHL is way better than in Germany even though the Eagles will always be my number one team when it comes to my emotional preference.
So I decided to get an NHL Vault subscription to be able to watch the games a day or two later. Game Centre Live is not really an option as broadcast times are usually at times when I need to sleep over here (six hours time difference.) Of course I already knew a lot of NHL players from YouTube highlights but wasn’t really a fan of any team. I just enjoyed great hockey.
This March, I decided to do something crazy. I booked a trip, started in Washington D.C. to see two games, then I drove to Philadelphia for another game and finally continued to Montreal to see two more games. All by myself. My hockey friends over here loved the idea but it isn’t the cheapest idea of fun and you need to have those days off — but I decided to do it anyway.
The trip was amazing and crazy because I basically breathed hockey everyday. When I wasn’t at a game I switched on the NHL Vault and watched games there. Unfortunately my flight that should have taken me from D.C. to Montreal was cancelled and I had to fly a day later thus missing the Habs game where they hosted the Bruins.
Seriously, it was one of the saddest days of my life. That was supposed to be the best game that I wanted to see. I did the usual hockey stuff in Montreal like visiting the old Forum as well as the Habs Hall of Fame and took a Bell Centre tour. And then came the game against the Senators.
I arrived about an hour prior to puck drop. In the U.S., I was used to being basically alone in the arena at that time. People seem to come later. In Montreal, that’s different. The whole building was filled with people and that’s when I realized that hockey is more important to them that it is to most people.
I also realized that they had a Tim Hortons in the Bell Centre (I have an obsession with Tim Hortons.) When the announcer said that the national anthem would be sung only by the fans, I was surprised and couldn’t wait for the anthem to start. It was amazing to hear everyone join in singing like a huge choir.
The game of course, was nothing short of amazing. If you saw it, you probably remember the amazing comeback trailing by three goals with 3:30 left to play in the third period. P.K. Subban had a great assist a second before the buzzer for the tying goal and then the Habs won in overtime. After the game the chanting started which I was surprised to hear. I always thought, people in North America don’t do things like that. We chant and use our drums all game long and it’s very loud most of the times in our building. And even though it was only one chant instead of loads of different ones, I really enjoyed it.
After all I was so happy that I decided to go on that trip even if I had to go alone. I liked the Canadiens before that game and I love them since. I followed them during the post season and even imported Canadien beer so that I could enjoy the games like they are meant to be. That’s my very brief summary of how I became a fan of the Canadiens.
My favorite player is probably René Corbet or Jochen Hecht. Hecht was born and raised in Mannheim, had a long playing time in the NHL and is finally back to finish his career with us. We really appreciate having him on our team. Corbet might have been the most important player in the first decade of this century for our team.
Of the current Canadiens roster I’d probably say P.K. Subban due to his personality. I like players who celebrate after a great goal. But after I learned about the Zdeno Chara hit on Max Pacioretty, I am very impressed that Pacioretty came back and is still able to pursue his career!
My next hockey trip will definitely take place maybe in November or maybe next year. And there will be more Habs games in it!
Keep on with your great website. I really enjoy every article I can get my hands on!
Best regards from Germany,
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