Maxwell in, AK-46 out with injured leg and Price backing up


    From TSN:

    Goaltender Carey Price took part in his first full practice since suffering a lower body injury last Wednesday. He says he feels 90 per cent healed but head coach Guy Carbonneau says Price will not play on Saturday. Price may be ready for Sunday and says he’d like to get in at least one start before Christmas. Doctors say there is no damage to Andrei Kostitsyn after he collided with Scott Hartnell, but Kostitsyn will miss the Canadiens’ game on Saturday and possibly Sunday’s game as well.

    Video: Sabres vs. Canadiens Ice Chips

    Practice Lines:


    S. Kostitsyn – Plekanec – Kovalev

    Tanguay – Lang – D’Agostini

    Latendresse – Lapierre – Kostopoulos

    Begin – Maxwell – Laraque


    Markov – Komisarek
    Hamrlik – Gorges
    Bouillon – Brisebois

    Goaltender: Halak

    Backup: Price