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Montreal fans and players team up to win the All-Star game.

There is a lot of hate towards Montreal Canadiens fans. Some say we stuffed the ballot for the All-Star Game. Others hate how we hug the spotlight with our Centennial Celebrations. Others just dislike how we massively buy tickets to away games and end up more vocal than the home crowd or how we boo during the American National Anthem. And almost every other hockey fan just hate the “Ole” chants.

But tonight the fans were right. They were cheering for mostly every player; with a notable exception to Maple Leafs own Tomas Kaberle. To be honest, I was slightly nervous before the American national anthem but the fans behave as I hoped they would for such an event. The “Ole” chants were heard at the end of the game and it was short and sweet. They were also great during the presentations of great Habs players for the Centennial Celebrations which were kept simple and sober. And in the end, the ballot stuffing was a pretty good idea.

Alex Kovalev was one of the controversial presences at the All-Star game. His season wasn’t really good enough to deserve an invitation but his performance made him totally deserving of the MVP title and Honda car that goes along with it. When the East was leading 2-1 over the West, he accepted a great long pass from Kaberle to go alone on J.S. Giguere and made a beautiful changeup shot that would have made Mike Mussina proud. And with the game tied 7-7 late in second he was again on a breakaway and this time used his famous top shelf backhand to beat Niklas Backstrom.

Carey Price was another choice that wasn’t popular, at least as a starter, but even coming back from a somewhat long hiatus he was the best goaltender allowing only 2 goals in his 20 minutes of play. And while Andrei Markov presence at the All-Star game shouldn’t surprise anyone, it’s his second time in a row voted as a starter, Mike Komisarek needed some very vocal supporters to give some credibility to his presence in such an event. Yes, he is an important part of the team but then again, so was Guy Carbonneau and he was never invited to the All-Star game. Well, Big Mike may not have done much but he ended up getting his name on the scoresheet with the only penalty of the game and his 22:38 icetime was the highest of both teams.

So Montreal was represented with the best at every position in this game. Forward, defensemen, goalie, coach and most importantly, the fans themselves. I have seen many games in my life but I didn’t hear often the crowd scream “De-Fense” during an All-Star game. I can’t even recall it happening once. And how about the crowd reaction to Markov breaking up a three on one? This is the best example of how much Habs fans know and love hockey.

And in the end, the players gave back to the fans. It was a fun game to watch and players seem to have fun while still giving more effort than we’re used to see in a meaningless exhibition game like this. Towards the end the atmosphere was getting electric and the intensity followed.

Simply put, this was the best All-Star game I’ve ever seen in my life.

Random notes about the weekend:

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