On coaching the Canadiens: Carbo unplugged



When I noticed the advance billing of the Carbonneau interview on Habs Inside/Out, I was very excited to see the article. Unfortunately it was a wasted opportunity to use their access to provide something interesting and meaningful. The article is a huge disappointment.

I really have to object to the ‘poor Carbo’, cry-me-a-river tone throughout. The interviewer is clearly in the minority when he characterizes the Canadiens head coach position as an overwhelming burden rather than an amazing honour and privilege.

As far as Guy Carbonneau, the article confirms the position that I’ve been moving towards over the past 18 months. Carbonneau is neither a student of the game nor a trained and experienced career coach. He simply relies on his gut impulses which havent served him very well as the skill level of the team has improved. He is poorly prepared, has difficulty making adjustments and consistently outcoached. I’m starting to believe that Carbonneau is in over his head.

The article also confirms that Carbonneau spends an inordinate amount of time listening to (and following) the advice of the (francophone)media. Carbo believes that they will protect him if he patronizes them.

But here is some news for Carbonneau. He has been handed the keys to a talented team. If the Montreal Canadiens do not reach the final four this season, at minimum, the fault will be solely his…and he should find himself unemployed with lots more time for his true passion: golf.