Out of the Red, White and Blue


Written by Habsterix, AllHabs.net

PENTICTON, BC. — This week, I thought of doing something totally different by sharing some thoughts on different topics surrounding the events of the week. If readers like it, I might use this format on a more regular basis in addition to my regular weekly articles. Don’t hesitate to post your comments as they are always welcome.

1- Hal Gill had some very nice things to say about Montreal, the fans and his stay with the Canadiens. Gill spoke about his friendship with different players on the team, his role as a mentor for PK Subban and how PK kept him young with his enthusiasm. But mostly, he opened up by talking about his kids and he was a real man by praising his wife Anne. Hat’s off Hal, you sir are a class act.

2- Blake Geoffrion seems to have appreciated the trade to Montreal from Nashville. While saying that he will be missing the boys, he stated that it is exciting for him to go where it all begun for his family… MONTREAL. It didn’t take long for Geoffrion to find his rhythm in Hamilton, contributing a goal and four assists in his first two games with the Bulldogs. As long as Habs’ fans aren’t expecting Boom-Boom, he should be fine. Expectations should be more like Bam-Bam, perhaps a new nickname for a potential third-liner with grit who can fill in on the top six from time to time.

3- Lots of talk already about the number Blake Geoffrion should wear with the Canadiens. Being related to the great Howie Morenz whose No. 7 is retired by the Canadiens, and grand-son of Bernard Geoffrion, who also has his No. 5 in the rafters, it was ironic to see that the Habs traded No. 75 Hal Gill to get his rights. Will he pick 75? 57? 55? Or will he chose a totally different number? If he keeps performing like this in the AHL, we should find out soon enough!

4- The Canadiens put on another great show, this time by honoring the late baseball legend Gary Carter prior to their game against the New Jersey Devils at the Bell Centre on Sunday. In addition to paying tribute to a man who has meant so much for the city, the highlight was, for many Expos’ fans, seeing Youppi! back with the Expos’ hat and uniform.

5- While it was touching to read about Martin Brodeur’s autographed photo with Gary Carter, there are many, myself included, who felt like Brodeur lacked a bit of respect by standing between the hash-marks during the on-ice video tribute to the Kid. He should have done like Carey Price and gone in front of his net and not in the picture… although it did make for a perfect photo op of himself.

6- It was sad to learn that Martin Brodeur’s father, long time photographer Denis Brodeur, had surgery a few days ago. The 81-year-old Brodeur had a tumour removed from his brain. Here’s hoping for a quick and full recovery.

7- The Canadiens say that they are not in a sell mode in spite of trading away Hal Gill. Yet, they still have wingers Andrei Kostitsyn, Mathieu Darche and Travis Moen, as well as defenseman Chris Campoli scheduled to become UFA’s this summer. Seeing the return the Habs received for Gill, one would think that Pierre Gauthier would be tempted to test the waters with at least some of them.

8- News came out that Travis Moen will not play this week, the last one before the February 27th trade deadline. Many seem to think that injured players cannot be traded. That is not true. The receiving team has to accept the trade without the required medical clearance. Depending on the severity of his injury, Moen would still be a good fit for a team in no hurry to get him back into the line-up. It might affect his trade value however.

9- After spending over a calendar year without scoring a goal, Scott Gomez has scored two in his last six games. Most importantly, both of his goals came on the power-play, which has been struggling this season. Also, Gomez has shown a lot more speed and determination since his first goal of the season.

10- In spite of having seen limited action in his rookie season, defenseman Alexei Emelin is 11th in the NHL in hits with 180 in 48 games. This places him fourth amongst defensemen behind Brooks Orpik, Luke Schenn and Matt Green.

11- Another rookie defenseman is making great strides this season. Few saw Rafael Diaz in their plans to start the season in Montreal but he not only spent the season with the big club, he is second amongst rookie defensemen in points, tied with Adam Larsson of New Jersey. Leafs’ Jake Gardiner is only two points ahead of Diaz and Larsson.

12- Not often have we witnessed the Canadiens not being in action on a Saturday night as it was the case this weekend, but two weekends in a row? Once again this week, the Habs play on Friday and Sunday, their last two games prior to the trade deadline.

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J.D. Lagrange
J.D. is a Senior writer for All Habs as well as Associate-Editor for the French version Le Magazine All Habs, while one of three Administrators of the fan forum Les Fantômes du Forum. He has created the handle Habsterix as a fictional character for the sole purpose of the internet. It is based on the cartoon Asterix of Gaule and his magic potion is his passion for the Montreal Canadiens. How old is he? His close friends will tell you that he’s so old, his back goes out more than he does! He was born when Béliveau lifted the Cup and remembers the days when seeing the Habs winning was not a wish, it was an expectation. For him, writing is a hobby, not a profession. Having moved to beautiful British Columbia in 1992 from his home town of Sherbrooke, Quebec, he started writing mostly in French to keep up his grammar, until non-bilingual BC friends pushed him into starting his own English Blog. His wife will say that he can be stubborn, but she will be the first to recognise that he has great sense of humour. He is always happy to share with you readers his point of views on different topics, and while it is expected that people won’t always agree, respect of opinions and of others is his mission statement. || J.D. est Rédacteur-Adjoint sur Le Magazine All Habs et il est un Rédacteur Principal sur le site anglophone All Habs, tout en étant un des trois Administrateurs du forum de discussion Les Fantômes du Forum. Il a créé le pseudonyme Habstérix comme caractère fictif pour l’internet. Celui-ci est basé sur Astérix de Gaule et sa potion magique est sa passion pour les Canadiens de Montréal. Lorsqu’il est né, Jean Béliveau soulevait la Coupe Stanley et il se rappelle des jours où gagner n’était pas un espoir, mais une attente. Pour lui, écrire est un passe-temps, pas une profession. Ayant déménagé dans la superbe Colombie-Britannique en 1992 en provenance de sa ville natale de Sherbrooke, Québec, il a commencé à écrire en français pour garder sa grammaire, jusqu’à ce que ses amis anglophones ne réussissent à le convaincre d’avoir son blog en anglais. Son épouse vous dira qu’il est têtu, mais elle sera la première à reconnaître son grand sens de l’humour. Il est toujours fier de partager avec vous, lecteurs et lectrices, ses points de vue sur différents sujets, et quoi que les gens ne s’entendent pas toujours sur ceux-ci, le respect des opinions et des autres est son énoncé de mission.

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