Puck the Bunny Predicts: Canadiens vs Senators


Montreal Canadiens vs Ottawa Senators

Tuesday December 27, 2011  7:30 pm.

CURITIBA, BRAZIL — Puck the Bunny appears on AllHabs.net predicting outcomes of games from his home in the beautiful country of Brazil. Yes, an exotic prognosticating bunny! Today he picks the winner of Montreal Canadiens vs Ottawa Senators.


You will be happy to know that Puck’s surgery was successful and he is well on his way to making a full recovery.  Puck thanks everyone who sent good wishes and wants to also express his gratitude to all the new followers on Twitter, @HabsPuckBunny . Be sure to follow him!

On Twitter, follow @All_Habs and @AllHabsBrasil

Puck the Bunny tem um importante trabalho. Ele trabalha para o AllHabs.net a função de prever resultados de jogos — hoje ele escolherá o vencedor do jogo Montreal Canadiens vs Ottawa Senators.
Quem ele irá escolher? Assista e descubra!