Puck the Bunny Predicts: Devils vs Canadiens


New Jersey Devils vs Montreal Canadiens

Saturday December 17, 2011  7:00 pm.

CURITIBA, BRAZIL — Puck the Bunny appears on AllHabs.net predicting outcomes of games from his home in the beautiful country of Brazil. Yes, an exotic prognosticating bunny! Today he picks the winner of Montreal Canadiens vs New Jersey Devils.

Puck has been predicting games his whole life but suffered his first regulation loss since joining All Habs on Thursday. As a result of the loss to the Flyers, Puck has a record of 2-1-1. You’ll remember that Puck had an extremely difficult time deciding on the Philadelphia game.

How was he to know that Chris Lee would be assigned to the game a disallow a Canadiens goal? Add to that Jacques Martin’s strange decision to bench Louis Leblanc after scoring his first NHL goal which was given a standing ovation by the Bell Centre faithful. It’s not easy predicting these Canadiens.

But who will he choose today? Watch!

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Puck the Bunny tem um importante trabalho. Ele trabalha para o AllHabs.net a função de prever resultados de jogos — hoje ele escolherá o vencedor do jogo Montreal Canadiens vs New Jersey Devils
Quem ele irá escolher? Assista e descubra!