Puck the Bunny Predicts: Montreal Canadiens vs Colorado Avalanche [VIDEO]


Montreal Canadiens vs Colorado Avalanche

Saturday November 2, 2013 10:00 pm. ET

TORONTO, ON. — Puck the Bunny appears on All Habs Hockey Magazine predicting outcomes of Canadiens games.  Puck, the Brazilian prognosticating bunny, is now in Canada.

1390653_10152032278426804_1663186366_nIn his first two seasons as a member of the All Habs team, Puck’s record was an amazing 45-25-10!

Today he picks the winner of Montreal Canadiens vs Colorado Avalanche.

Yesterday, Puck went to his very first appointment with a Canadian veterinarian. According to the vet, he is is a healthy bunny. However, Puck has gained 100 grams, so the vet said we should cut the sweets (fruits) and reduce the quantity of pellets he eats.  Puck is not fat but it’s better for him to be around 2.3 kg than 2.4.
Puck was pampered — he got brushed and his nails cut.  Puck behaves REALLY well around people he doesn’t know. If I tried to brush his tail, Puck would bite me.
Everybody at the clinic loved Puck.  They said that he is super beautiful, his fur is amazing and he is sweet. I’m a proud of my ‘lil ball of fur!
Now let’s talk about hockey. Puck is happy George Parros is back on the ice, but he misses Max Pacioretty and Alexei Emelin. Bunny says Habs really need them back if they want to win. He was thrilled that Emelin signed for four more years with Habs.
Puck is excited to see Patrick Roy vs Michel Therrien tonight!  Who will win?

Go Habs Go!

Who did Puck choose today? Watch! His record this season is 11-2-0.

Don’t forget to follow @HabsPuckBunny @All_Habs and @AllHabsBrasil as well!

Just a few words for our Brazilian friends: Puck the Bunny tem um importante trabalho. Ele trabalha para o All Habs Brasil com a função de prever resultados de jogos — hoje ele escolherá o vencedor do jogo Montreal Canadiens vs Colorado Avalanche.

Quem ele irá escolher? Assista e descubra!