Puck the Bunny Predicts: Playoffs Round 2, Canadiens vs Bruins


Playoffs Round 2 Eastern Conference: Montreal Canadiens vs Boston Bruins

Puck the Bunny appears on All Habs Hockey Magazine predicting outcomes of Canadiens games. Puck, the Brazilian prognosticating bunny, is now in Canada. In his first two seasons as a member of the All Habs team, Puck’s record was an amazing 45-25-10!

TORONTO, ON. — Today Puck picks the winner of the Playoffs Round 2 Eastern Conference.

Puck getting some playoff tips from his bunny friends

Puck predicted four games out of four in the first round of the playoffs! He was correct in selecting the Montreal Canadiens, Boston Bruins, Pittsburgh Penguins and New York Rangers! With the Habs sweeping Tampa from the playoffs, Puck was extremely happy. He has been binkying around the house since Game 4.

Now Habs will face the big bad bears. Puck is confident Habs can pull this off and win Round 2. But they need to keep their heads in the right place and don’t fall for Bruins dirty game.

The ‘lil ball of fur is enjoying watching the playoffs!

Oh, he was a little angry that Carey Price didn’t got a mention for the Vezina trophy but fine! His favourite player has a gold medal and who knows, he might get a big and better trophy by June.

The Habs prediction is the most important to Puck.  Soon he will let you know about all his other predictions.

Go Habs Go!

Who did Puck choose today? Watch! His record predicting hockey games this regular season is 32-15-8. Puck was 4-0 predicting the first round playoff series.

Don’t forget to follow @HabsPuckBunny @All_Habs and @AllHabsBrasil as well!

Just a few words for our Brazilian friends: Puck the Bunny tem um importante trabalho. Ele trabalha para o All Habs Brasil com a função de prever resultados de jogos — hoje ele escolherá o vencedor da segunda rodada dos playoffs.

Quem ele irá escolher? Assista e descubra!