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Random Thoughts Before Game 2

Posted by: Kyle

We’ve all heard the cliché that you’re not in trouble until you lose at home, but does even the most cockeyed optimist believe that the Canadiens can win this series if they go down 2-0? I know it’s been done, but really…this team? I don’t know.

To me, today is a must-win for the Habs. I hate calling a game a “must” win because it’s not really a “must” until after you’ve lost 3 games, but a 1-1 split is a totally different world than an 0-2 hole.

I thought the Canadiens played as well as they could have been expected to play, considering:

So what will be different in game 2?

If the Habs are to win this game, not a whole lot has to change. Small adjustments and a little discipline means we could be going home with a split. Kovalev seems to have Tim Thomas in his back pocket, especially glove hand, short side. Hopefully he can keep his torrid streak going. I’d love to see the Habs score the first goal. Maybe even the first 2, even though I don’t think this team can protect a lead to save their lives but obviously it’s better to be up by 2 than down by 2.

I’m not sure what effect this will have, but the Canadiens didn’t have a morning skate today because of the Celtics game. Will they be sluggish out of the gate, or have fresher legs? I’m inclined to say the former over the latter; these guys are creatures of habit.

So what do you think needs to change in order for the Canadiens to even this series up? Did I miss anything?

PS – Matt Hunwick of the Bruins was rushed to the hospital earlier today with what seems to be a spleen problem. He’s out tonight but let’s hope he’s ok.

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