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Random thoughts on Langer, D’Ags, Sundin and Economics 101

Lang celebrates his first goal of the night (Photo credit: John Kenney-Gazette)
It time to throw caution to the wind and take a look at some hockey news. I’m not Red Fisher nor do I profess to be but these are interesting times in the NHL which deserve further discusses……..let’s get started:

The Habs are back!!

Nine of a possible ten points on the current 7 game homestand and playing more consistent hockey in all three zones.

Calgary Flames are a good team and the Canadiens made them look average with solid goaltending by Jaroslav Halak, inspired/youthful hockey from the Kovy/Langer/Tanger line (teammates always add a “y” or “er” on names, folks!!) and smart defensive zone play (delete Brisebois from the equation!!).

The Canadiens finally look like a team which is following a system of play. They are playing with a purpose and have figured out how to breakout of the defensive zone with speed and good outlet passes.

Alex Kovalev scoreless streak reached 17 games but he added two assists and played a very good game in every aspect of the game. He and Lang played incredibly well on the PK unit and showed flashes of chemistry with Tanguay in the mix as well.

No return ticket necessary, Matt!

Let me start by saying it’s still early, but with that being said, Matt D’Agostini shouldn’t be overly concerned about inhaling bus diesel fumes, eating fast food or playing in front of 4,000 spectators if he continues to play lights out (or should I say red light on) hockey.

The kid is playing beyond belief and showing everyone why it’s imperative to pay your dues at the AHL level. It’s very obvious how much the two and half years of seasoning has helped in D’Agostini’s development. Hell, he could have easily made the team the last two training camps with solid performances. If it wasn’t for the Habs’ depth at the forward position plus NHL one way contracts, he would have already been playing in the NHL.

D’Ags (as Rocket calls him) now has 4 goals and 5 points in five games and is displaying a beautiful skating stride with a sound all-round game. He also seems to have a knack of finding the open seams in the offensive zone where Saku Koivu and Andrei Kostitsyn can find him. There is definitely some chemistry developing with the line especially between D’Agostini and Kostitsyn who are utilizing their speed, driving to the net with authority and playing the “give and go” to perfection.

Can you imagine if the Canadiens would have been more patience with Guillaume Latendresse’s development instead of rushing him into the NHL? Unfortunately, their hands are tied with the Latendresse dossier and he will have to develop his game at the NHL level with limited TOI, something that is totally unacceptable for such a promising young player.

The Lone Langer

Is it my imagination or did Robert Lang look a step quicker against the Flames last night. Mr.Lang had an extra gear last night and it was nice to see him use it on 2-3 different occasions

It was, by far, “Langer” best game in a Habs uniform and he is finally starting to show flashes of the younger Lang with quick puck decisions and driving to the net with a purpose. His second goal was sheer determination and exactly what the Canadiens need their players to do…….go to the net and bang away!!! It was one of the main reasons for Gainey getting Lang, his large frame/size at the center position

If Lang can continue his solid play of late (G-4 A-2 +4), then Gainey won’t feel pressured to sign Mats Sundin and disturb the Canadiens roster which would have to be altered to make room for the Big Swede. Would I love to have Sundin on the roster? No question about it, though at what cost to team chemistry and player movement??

Economic 101

Economic wasn’t one of my favorite subjects in school, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out the NHL is heading towards a serious economic/financial decline over the next 1-2 years.

There will be some very real ramifications next season:

The Phoenix Coyotes could potentially lose approximately $35 million next season and has lost the same amount the previous season. There have also been reports that the Tampa Bay Lightning ownership of Len Barrie and Oren Koules had to borrow money from the previous owner, Bill Davidson to meet payroll commitments.There are also rumbling that they might not make a large payment due to Davidson this coming January……on and on goes the continual financial soap opera called the NHL.

Give the Canadiens and in particular, Bob Gainey credit for bucking the NHL trend of signing players to ridiculously long contracts (ie- Mike Richards, Alexei Ovechkin and Rick DiPietro to name a few) in an economically uncertain environment. Granted, the club is one of the richest in the NHL and can easily ride out most financial problems but they still have to deal with a weaken Canadian dollar, highest tax burden in the NHL for players and ownership plus George Gillett’s debt load issues.

In a New York Minute or Longer For Mats?

The latest report (Mats Sundin coming to the Garden….) is that Mats Sundin will be visiting the New York area for a contest run by Poker Stars (the online gaming site) which Sundin serves as a celebrity ambassador. The contest winners will have dinner with Sundin and attend the Rangers game in a luxury suite.

You’d have to figure that he will meet with Rangers GM Glen Sather and talk contract options before making any decisions. If Sundin does settle on the reported $2.5 million and $3 million for the remainder for the season, then expect him to sign with the Rangers who will be able to loosen up their salary cap.

It’s becoming more and more apparent that the big Swede wants to play in New York. He has been apprehensive about playing for a west coast team (Anaheim or Vancouver) or one of the Maple Leafs long time rivals (Ottawa or Montreal) so I would be a bit surprised to see him in either of those uniforms.

There are reports the Flyers and Blackhawks are stepping up their interests in Sundin and have had conversations with his agent, J.P Barry over the last few weeks

If Sundin wants more than $3 million, especially with the Canucks offer of $10 million still on the table, then the Rangers and other teams which are tight against the cap will find it difficult to clear available cap space to accommodate his demands.

The hypocrisy of the entire Sundin affair is that he went out of his way to state the following when asked to waiver his “no trade”clause at last year’s trade deadline:

“I have never believed in the concept of a rental player. It is my belief that winning the Stanley Cup is the greatest thing you can achieve in hockey but for me, in order to appreciate it you have to have been part of the entire journey and that means October through June”.

What is today’s date?…. December 10th, 2008!!! So much for being “part of the entire journey and that means October through June”.

If I were a Leafs fan, I would understand Sundin’s right to veto a trade at the time with the above statement remaining intact and followed by Mats. Things have greatly changed since then and I can completely understand why Leafs fans would be frustrated with Sundin’s contradicting ways. Maybe I’m being too harsh on the big Swede but he has cost his former organization 2-3 years of development.

Yes, he was extremely loyal to the Maple Leafs when he signed less than market value contracts throughout his years in Toronto. Yes, he stuck it out with the organization when they had weak teams……..he has done some great thing in the city.
Granted, Sundin isn’t responsible for re-building the Toronto Maple Leafs organization nor should he be lambasted for its demise, but wouldn’t it have been a great way to pay homage to Leafs Nation with the possibility of returning to a stronger team the following year..

When Sundin finally does make a decision and this tiresome soap opera comes to an end, we can all just concentrate on the task at hand…..watching our teams make the playoffs and hopefully raise Lord Stanley’s mug in the sky, with or without Sundin on the ice!!!

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