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Take Part in the First Tweetup Hockey Challenge!

Coming to Montreal next week for the Draft Tweetup? You should be because we continue to elevate this “mother of all hockey tweetups with great activities, sponsors and prizes.

No hockey event in Montreal would be complete without playing a game of pick up hockey, even in late June when summer has officially started.

Forget the Stanley Cup finals and ignore salary caps! On Saturday, June 27th, McGill University Athletics has granted us use of their Fieldhouse and equipment to play the first of what will hopefully be many annual Tweetup Hockey Challenges at the annual NHL Entry Draft.

This will be a FUN game, open to guys and girls of ALL skill levels. Essentially, if you have a heartbeat, you can (and should) play! However, space is limited. We’re looking for enough recruits to fill 2 teams (11 per team, goalie included). You will not have to bring any equipment with you in your travels except for running shoes, and whatever you want to wear. Equipment such as gloves and helmet are optional, and not required. However if you’re like me and can’t play hockey without gloves, it would be a good idea to leave some extra room in your luggage for them.

If you choose not to play, you are still encouraged to come be one of the coaches, determine line combinations and, *ahem*, “strategy”. We’re also looking for a ref who will also moonlight as in-game commissioner (to make trades as he/she sees fit to keep the game evenly matched).

The deal will be sweetened for the winning team, so you do want to score at least 1 more goal than the other side! Who’s going to be the Max Talbot of the Tweetup Hockey Challenge?

How to reserve your spot? Don’t be shy!

Leave a comment below and let us know if you’ll participate as a player, coach or referee. In order to help us stay organized, only by posting here on this blog can you reserve your spot. Twitter posts, or comments left on other blogs, emails, voicemails, fax, snail mail, telegrams, telegraph and morse code will not be accepted.

Thanks to for sponsoring this amazing and unique event!

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