Trade Rumblings | Canadiens Connection ep 229

Josh Anderson, Montreal Canadiens (Photo by Getty Images)

Canadiens Connection, Podcast, Rocket Sports Radio, episode 229 | Habs, Montreal, NHL, Josh Anderson, Nick Suzuki, Cole Caufield, Kirby Dach, Sean Monahan, Carey Price, Logan Mailloux

Josh Anderson, Montreal Canadiens (Photo by Getty Images)

ROCKET SPORTS MEDIA | MONTREAL, QC. — Welcome to the Canadiens Connection via Rocket Sports Radio. This engaging podcast featured on All Habs Hockey Magazine connects Habs fans with their beloved team from a plugged-in source they know and trust.

This Week’s Show: Trade Rumblings

S1 | Week in Review, Habs News, League News

  • Check out news Headlines posts at

  • Cole Caufield underwent shoulder surgery. Owen Beck made his NHL debut. No Canadiens medical update this week.
  • Jesse Ylonen and Alex Belzile returned to the Laval Rocket. Habs prospect Riley Kidney was named forward of the month (January) by the QMJHL.
  • Be sure to read the content at and check out The Press Zone – Montreal.
  • Quotes of the week from Nick Suzuki.
  • Gary Bettman celebrated his 30th anniversary as NHL Commissioner. US viewership is down.

S2 | BIG Topic – Habs HOT TOPICS: True or False?

  • It’s our latest edition of a segment we call True or False. We tackle hot topics that Montreal Canadiens fans are currently discussing and answer true or false type questions.

S3 | Have Your Say

  • Canadiens upcoming events.
  • Canadiens Connection question of the week: Are you Team Trade Josh Anderson or Team Keep Josh Anderson?
  • Listener’s texts and emails.

Canadiens Connection on Rocket Sports Radio

Canadiens Connection is hosted by Rick Stephens (@AllHabs) with Michael Spinella (@TheSpinella), Amy Johnson (@FlyersRule) and Chris G (@ChrisHabs360). This talented team of credentialed journalists come together to share their valued insight.

Canadiens Connection is a connection between fans, journalists, players, coaches, management to thoroughly discuss their favorite game in an informative, thought provoking, and entertaining way.

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On Air

Listen in the player below on Saturday, February 4th starting at 3:00 pm. ET. or ANYTIME on demand.

Next week’s episodes will be available on Saturday, February 11th. Missed an episode? You can find every episode of the Canadiens Connection HERE.

Listen and Subscribe Here


  1. salut-bien chers amis,
    merci pour le podcast
    les condoleances sinceres
    pour le depart de notre cher bobby hull,
    parmi les grands du grands
    a tout temps,,,
    sur la glace il n’etait pas arretable
    incontournable a tous les senses
    hors du glace,il donnait de son temps librement et gracieusement pour les “fans” et speciallement pour les enfants.
    sa generosite et sa disposition soutien pour les proches etait sans fond.”un vraie du vraie”.d’apres-moi bobby etait le jouer le plus grand,par excellence,le MVP,des annees 60′.
    point a la ligne.
    apart-ca,ses annees au WHA constitue une autre epoque d’excellence.peu-valider/reconnu par lnh/nhl?
    mais assurement par ses contemporaires et les fans.
    trade talk?
    no thank you,merci-non!not my cup of tea
    grass is not always more green on the other-side.
    often we have the players to build a winning attitude/atmosphere.give them the chance!
    trade away veteranship for draft-picks et prospects?
    maybe?what about having the honor of retiring some of our veteranship in our jerseyCH?
    and yes,the famous saying from a famous hockey-mind:
    “the best trade is the one you do not make”,
    sammy pollock
    merci pour l’ecoute
    portez-vous bien
    a bientot

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