TV Star Speaks Out Against NHL Violence


By Rookie,

MONTREAL, QC. — The NHL playoffs tend to draw out celebrity hockey fans, as we’ve seen when actors show up at games and blonde starlets are photographed with the Stanley Cup. Unfortunately, these celebrities are just like other fans, and their criticisms are heard by a larger audience than the average Joe’s.

Actor Will Arnett, former star of comedy series Arrested Development most recently seen on Running Wilde and The Office, took to his Twitter account to speak his mind about Aaron Rome’s hit on Nathan Horton in Game 3 of the Stanley Cup Finals between Vancouver and Boston:

Sickened upon re-watching hit on Horton in last night’s game..jeezus effin christ..enough with the fucking headshots!For f**k’s sake

Lots of Van fans answering me by saying Horton was admiring his pass. That may be…so he deserves to get leveled?? F**k that..

..and I’ve been rooting for the ‘Nux…goes beyond that..

would you want to see YOUR kid convulsing on the ice, his eyes rolling back like f**king way..I don’t care who you’re rooting for

Stop telling me it wasn’t a headshot, or Horton was admiring his pass..that’s not the point..I don’t even mean to vilify Rome..

I’m asking when is it going to be enough?? When Sid announces he’s not coming back?..when someone dies?? Seriously..

And to all the folks who let me know it’s a tough sport…thanks for the update..super helpful

That’s enough hockey talk for today..didn’t mean to preach..just venting.

For the record: I love hockey..and I’m not specifically blaming A Rome..

Reactions to Arnett’s tweets were split. As his words imply, he encountered a lot of criticism from both Bruins fans and Canucks fans, proving that it’s impossible to please everyone when speaking out about one of the sport’s major issues. However, many other hockey fans on Twitter (myself included) were proud to see him express his opinion.

Arnett’s comments prove just how useful social media can be in the sports world. He’s not just another celebrity hoping for a hockey photo-op to promote his newest project. He’s expressing himself, just like thousands of other hockey fans across the continent. He may have raised some eyebrows by talking about the violence issue, but as hockey fans have learned this season, nothing will change if no one says anything. Will Arnett made his voice heard. The NHL has suspended Aaron Rome. Hopefully that’s a sign that they’ve started listening.