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VIA Rail Press Release: Letter to Bettman

VIA has written to Mr. Gary B. Bettman, Commissioner for the National Hockey League (NHL) to express concern about recent incidents regarding Montréal Canadiens Player Max Pacioretty.

The letter follows, below:

Dear Mr. Bettman,

As you may know, VIA Rail is a proud sponsor of two (2) NHL teams in Canada. It is a commercial association of which people at VIA Rail are particularly happy as it brings together iconic symbols of our great country: hockey and passenger-train service.

I am writing today to express VIA Rail’s serious concerns about the NHL’s enforcement of the rules of the game. Hockey is a fast-paced and sometimes, a high-impact sport. It is partly what makes it one of the world’s greatest sports for fans and players, at all levels. However, it is a game with rules. And some of these rules are meant to protect its players from serious, life-threatening injury.

As a sponsor of NHL teams and as a business where safety and security are paramount, VIA Rail is concerned, as are its customers, that the NHL seems unable to take appropriate measures to protect the physical integrity of its players. We must be concerned that such failure to take appropriate disciplinary action will erode the positive image of hockey, including the commitment of its fans and the support of its sponsors.

In VIA Rail’s opinion, the NHL’s quick and ineffective ruling on the Pacioretty/Chara incident of last Tuesday is totally unacceptable as it does nothing to try to reverse the alarming trend of vicious hits that have sidelined some of the games greatest talents.

When the NHL General Managers meet next week in Florida, we trust you will consider our concerns. Like many, VIA Rail believes the NHL owes a greater duty of diligence and rigour in its application of the safety-related rules of the game. That is what fans and sponsors expect from the NHL.

Yves Desjardins-Siciliano
General Counsel and Secretary

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