Where Do You Stand in the Carey Price Debate?


by Rick Stephens, AllHabs.net

MONTREAL, QC — Mention the name Carey Price to a group of Habs fans. More often than not, you will get either an angry response, or one filled with anxiety.

Is it deserved? Really?

I honestly think it’s dumb for fans to boo Zdeno Chara every time he touches the puck, but I get it. He is a nasty opponent from a hated rival.

Imagine what would happen if Eric Lindros’ photo was flashed on the Bell Centre scoreboard. Again, I probably wouldn’t be joining in but I understand the sentiment.

However, all the venom directed at Carey Price just doesn’t make sense to me. It’s irrational.

Some say Price is coming off a bad season. Oh really?

Price was the Molson Cup winner for the months of October and November and ended the season as the runner-up to Jaroslav Halak. I realize that Molson Cup points aren’t a be-all and end-all indicator, but with the Montreal media so infatuated with Halak, how did Price rank second on the team if he had such a bad season?

If goal support is leveled, the won-loss records of Price and Halak are very similar. There are many other measures of performance that I have written about before.  But I’m told I am a Price-apologist.

Have you heard the one that Price has accomplished nothing in the NHL? Again, oh really? Perhaps a review of his record and a comparison to others at the same age would be enlightening.

But for those who don’t have the time to scour the stats book, let me recommend an excellent article by Arpon Basu. Another Price-apologist apparently.

Or perhaps there is something to the fact that Price is a very good goaltender. Bob Gainey recognizes it. Pierre Gauthier agrees. And their opinion is consistent with the majority of general managers in the NHL.

I have articulated my reasons for being confident in Price on these pages in the past.  Is it time for another to calm the masses?  The so-called debate is truly getting tiring.

Instead, take a look at Arpon’s piece. He makes a strong argument.  If the Price-haters don’t change their opinion after reading it, I respectfully suggest that the issue isn’t being approached with an open mind.

I hope that you will be wearing your Alex Auld jersey with pride.

As always, I would be pleased to hear your comments.


  1. I do agree Price is a great gaoler and had no offensive support is he supposed to stop all shots and also score the goals.
    Also in the begining of the season he did everything but stand on his head to get the wins. Also Halick only started to play after his agent twitted that Halick had the better numbers but what agent isn't going to say his client has the better numbers.

  2. I agree with you. I think most of the negative attention that Carey's been getting, especially this last year, has been from people who expected him to be perfect out of the gate, and who were disappointed to find out that he's only very good. I don't understand how someone can cheer for a team but decide to hate one of its players, especially in this case where it's a somewhat baseless hate.

  3. I've pretty much lost my patience in listening to people continue to bemoan the Halak trade. I wish nothing but the best for Halak. He had his breakout year and is spinning quite a nice story for himself considering where he was selected in the draft.

    Putting on my devil's advocate cap, I understand the frustration when fans say that Price has been handed the job again without earning it, or that the Canadiens continually shoved Halak aside while Price was given chance after chance to "get his act together". I don't think these claims are unfounded, but they've ballooned to epic proportions. I read Arpon's blog this morning, and it's 100% accurate. If Price had the same goal support that Halak enjoyed, the wins and losses would be very similar. Another factor is these photos circulating online. While they capture a few moments of Price's life, fans have made the leap that this is how he lives all day, every day. They've made the judgement that he must not care about his job, or that his stardom has already gone to his head.

    Price wasn't perfect this past year. I found that in many games, while he finished with 1 or 2 or 3 goals against (which is fine and dandy), almost without fail one of the goals was a softy, which really ticked people off. That's just my perspective on it. It wasn't a banner year for him, but it wasn't a terribile year by any stretch. I did a quick bit of number crunching a couple weeks back. While I don't remember the details, I found that of all the goalies that played more games than Price, their average save percentages boil down to .9125. Price's was .9122 or something like that. All this said, I've always been on Price's side as the Habs franchise goalie, and still am.

    Usually it takes a while for a story to become folk lore or romanticized, but Halak's playoff run has seemingly become legend already, which works against Price. Fans are remembering the amazing performances against the Caps and Pens, while conveniently forgetting the games in which he was pulled, and the entire Flyers series.

    There's no question that Price has the goods. The question is will he deliver them in Montreal? Some fans are so angered by this, that no matter what Price does, they will pile on him. He will need to be nearly perfect in the early going to win the majority back. As I've said before, Price haters would rather be right than to see the Habs succeed with him in goal. If 2010-11 gets off on the wrong foot, I can see this situation being a major distraction again.

  4. no offense, but I didn't even bother to read the article (I'm actually a regular reader of your blog). I am sick of reading and hearing about it.
    Talk about ruining a player or team. Montreal is getting good at it. :((((

  5. Hey Guys,

    Are the fans really to blame? Although i often am the first one to take shots at those "fans", are they all simply not disappointed because of the tremendous expectations set by the media?

    What were some of things Price was called?
    – Jesus Price
    – The next Patrick Roy

    Well, i can only remember 2 but those are 2 HUGE comparisons, and when a young guy joins an organization and is portrayed as the savior, well i can only tell myself "holy cow". (Holy, nice play on words en? :P)
    So yes the fans can be blamed to a certain extent, but their expectations were placed much too high and much too soon if you ask me.

    That being said, Rick, you've always been behind Price and i commend you for it. As much as you've always been honest and fair in your evaluations of him if i can call them that, i feel that you and I as well as many others (you to Kyle :P) feel this guy has a potential that is so rarely seen in young goaltenders today.

    Quick note, i also read Arpon's article this morning and loved it.

    So all of this said, noone can predict the future but I myself am confident in the choice they've made, now i can only hope that they will properly surround/guide and help him develop into the goaltender he's capable of becoming.

    One thing is for sure, as Kyle said, some fans will pile on him no matter what, i can only hope that the "true" fans will drown out the haters.

    (Thought: I wish they made this "Post a Comment" box bigger, i keep scrolling up and down because i can't remember where i am at in my thoughts! :P)

    Finally, what's the issue with people booing Chara? (And Komisarek, and Pronger, and Crosby, etc.) I personally love it, i find it adds to the atmosphere of the games and i'm sure the players being boo'd, love it for the attention they are getting.
    …Except Crosby's dad.

  6. Anyone notice that Price-apologists are the only ones that bring facts to the argument, the only thing I hear from Price hater is "Halak outplayed him last year" over and over again. Time to cut him some slack before we have to dump him somewhere else and watch him dominate.

  7. Most of the people who hate on him only do so because they're too afraid to hate on Gainey directly for whatever reason. I guess they really loved Huet…?

    They raged on him for weeks because he was wearing a bloody Nationals cap ffs! (Could have been a Walgreens hat for all we know, they have the same damn logo).

    But Montreal is the only place in the world where fans will boo the only member of their team who is awarded a game star in a 2-1 loss where a teammate rammed him and the puck into his own net while playing one of the worst teams in the League and their only goal came on an early powerplay………. Goaltending was not an issue last season. And it's the least of our worries coming up. The media, and Martin's stupid win-you're-in crap, made it one.

    A first round pick forward has more control over how he can dominate a game. A goalie can stand on his head all he can, win or lose, key saves amount to nothing if no one is putting the puck in the other net. When there's such a lumpsided win-loss record but the personal stats are actually better than most goalies out there, and a steady improvement from a previous year, the goalie is not the problem. But hey, Crosby didn't exactly win the Cup in his rookie year either. Nor his sophomore. And after that.

    There are 18 other guys out there on the ice that need to do their damn job too.

  8. Halaks` performance against the Caps in last years playoffs is one of the best ever recorded by any Montreal goalie, bar none. You Price apologist will wait a very long time for your boy wonder to ever come close to what Halak did to the Caps.
    In the meantime, while you wait, i`d like to suggest that some of you watch Halak as he plies his trade in St. Lewis. I`m even taking bets if you will, Halak wins the Cup before Price wins a playoff series, any takers? Didn`t think so.

  9. Its tough to place a bet (a laughably easy one) with someone who continually hides behind the veil of anonymity.

  10. Well kyle, that wall of anonymity is all part of the game here, unless you`d like to change the rules here too? As for myself i`m happy as is. Don`t worry big guy, if it doesn`t kill you it will only make you stronger, give it a go.
    Besides, people who post in person, even pictured, just plain scare me, know what I mean?

  11. Part of the game? You mind clarifying what "game" you're talking about because i thought we were talking hockey here… lol, scary kyle ;P

  12. Ahhh yes…. Thank you for writing this blog topic…. the topic on every Habs fan right now…. the topic that so many Habs fans have been arguing and debating for a while now…

    Number 31 of the Montreal Canadiens Carey Price!

    Now for those who know me, you now that i loved both Halak and Price, and at the beging would always be upset going to a game and not seeing Price in nets, now not tie yourself into knots there, doesnt mean i perfer one to the other, doesnt mean im more a fan of one then the other. Yes i, along with thousands of other Habs fans are greatfull to Halak for the beyond great job he did in the playoffs, and for helping get the Habs TEAM that far.

    But Carey Price, has the potential, has what it takes to be the goalie us true fans know he can be, has been, and will be.

    Carey along with every human in this world, works the same, if not pushed, if not encouraged the right way, will never think he's good enough. Threw the season i would stick up for Carey, because having studied in P.R and having loved the entertainment business, along side sports, i know that the people who are in that business are the ones who never have it easy, yes i know there not supose to have it easy, well news flash no one dose. Although being in a sports team goes along with the same as being in a Rock band, you every move, every look, every bit of you and your life is watched, critizised and put out there for all to see.

    That whole story about him and that so called "drinking party" photo, all im gonna say is, Is he Not Huaman like you and i, is he not alloud on his off time, time not spent training to go out with friends and have a drink or two, not any different then going to lets say, and All Habs Tweetup and having a beer, or two or 3 while enjoying th company of your friends and a Habs game ;-)

    Deep down inside, all the "price haters" know that this guy has what it takes to be an amazing Goalie, but if you, me, us, as Habs Fans dont give him that chance, then how do you expect that to happen, yes its about talent, yes its about "personaly wanting to be the best" but were the ones watching, critizising, and cheering th Habs on. Cheering him on one game where hes amazing, to throwing crumbs on him and booing him when he has an off game are two different things and plays to a mans ego (come on men you know thats true)

    We can go on and on and on about this "Carey Price" debate, but when it comes down to it, the Montreal Canadiens will do whatever is best, and if that choice is Carey, then im happy, and if its not, then we not only say goodbye to One amazing Goalie we had the joy to cheer on, but two…. Either way you put it, all players have their pros and cons that we pick out…. But its the TEAM that sticks together and makes whatever happens work and pushes hard that wins,in everyones eyes :-)

    GO HABS GO :-)

  13. I not a Habs fan ,but as a former goaltender if I could say this about Price , ” try stand on your feet ” he is either on one or both knees on very shot before its taken. Sometimes he is walking across the net on his knees trying move from one side of the net to the other .

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