Your Hockey Love Hurts Tales


by Rick Stephens,

MONTREAL, QC.– All Habs hockey magazine was proud to be chosen by Visa as a partner for their “Hockey Love Hurts” promotion. The All Habs community was asked to share their stories of woe describing a moment when their favourite NHL team caused them emotional pain. You can view all entries received via the website here, while submissions made at the Montreal Habs Tweetup can be found below the break.

Two winners were chosen and each will receive a $50 gift card from Visa. Congratulations to Robyn (@ladyhabs) and Tracy (@tracyxlee) for best expressing the range of emotions that we all feel as committed hockey fans.

Tell us your most memorable story of hockey heartbreak.

@ladyhabs — After the 2010 playoffs when the Habs were eliminated by the Flyers, I actually sobbed for over an hour. I felt like I had been dumped by the love of my life, and I was inconsolable for weeks. I couldn’t talk about it. I couldn’t blog about it, etc. I had quit my 9 to 5 during the first round to dedicate myself to the team and I was devastated. In fact, I think I’m tearing up again now…

@tracyxlee — Oh the Habs, a lot of us have been hurt by our team but we never falter and continue to support them through the ups and downs. My hockey love hurts story is from the last time I saw the Habs here in Vancouver, yes, that 7-1 shellacking on October 7th 2009. My heart broke for Carey Price. I wanted to jump over the boards and give him a hug. I sat in my seat surrounded by gloating Canucks fans, holding in tears- there’s no crying in hockey. Then I remembered in the end it was just one game in my teams 100 year history and that we have 24 Stanley Cups- how many of those gloating Canuck fans can say that!

For more chances to win be sure to check out

You may also like to read Hockey: It Takes Unconditional Love


Entries submitted at Montreal Habs Tweetup on February 12, 2010:

@stevofarnham — Having purchased a Scott Gomez t-shirt.

@kptome — 1) When Patrick Roy left the Habs. I was young. 2) When they turned the Old Forum into a movie theatre/club/bar.

@HabsWatch — Fraser single-handedly turning the Habs/Carolina series around.

@robertptome — When I momentarily lost my 1993 Stanley Cup game on VHS. I was very sad until I found it. That or the Chelios trade.

@emihawk — La journee que Patrick Roy a ete echanger con cela a ete la pire periode pour le CH et le fait que L’equipe a entre dans pire periode et pire equipe at cela a pris plus de 12 ans avant de revoir un bon gardien a Montreal.

@habitherway — Carey Price’s rookie season. He had just come back from a midseason stint in Hamilton and I’d missed him. I had tickets for that night’s game then the Habs got their asses kicked by the Leafs.

@erikheft — One of two: 1) 2006 being up 2-0 in the Carolina series, then losing 4 straight. 2) Finishing 1st in the Eastern conference and then losing in 5 to the Flyers.

@lang_2727 — In 2006-’07, Habs make playoff run with Jaro Halak in nets, only to have Huet return vs the Leafs and allow 6 goals in a 2 goal comeback for a 6-5 win. I was the biggest Islanders fan the next day.

@pablojinko — The 2009 playoff sweep by the Bruins. I watched in Venezuela over a crappy internet connection.

@theactivestick — The day we found out that Saku wasn’t being re-signed was sad enough, but the most heartbreaking was a couple of days later… when fans held a rally… for Kovalev.

@adzee — I’ve never been a hockey fan. But last year, I saw what our team did to the city. Although I couldn’t appreciate it the way diehard friends did, I could see that something amazing was happening. The playoffs brought special people together, and I think that’s incredible. Seeing it come to an end was like watching something beautiful being destroyed.

@e_84 — It would have to be last year during the playoffs. We were so close and my expectations were so high, it totally broke my heart. I’m happy we made it that far, but I wish we would have made it further.

@d_79 — Last season when we almost got to the finals. We were so close!

@kyleroussel — 7 words: seeing Kirk Muller play for the Leafs.

@fergus — When the Leafs won 5-1 last winter (that was awesome).

@czechtacular — It was a cold day in March 1999. I was listening to CJAD on my walkman (!) as Pierre McGuire and Dino Sisto talked about the day’s events. Suddenly McGuire announced a devastating trade. Mark Recchi had been sent to the Flyers(!) for Danius Zubrus. Suddenly my favourite Hab, my role model, and my reason for loving hockey was far, far away. I then proceed to eat my own weight in chocolate… and finish my homework.

@ep31 — Does the Habs trading Halak count? I liked him before it was “cool” to like him and he played (and won!) in the first NHL game I saw live (i.e. was in Ottawa and bragging rights were on the line.)

@annakin_slayd — 1989.

@kostapapoulias — Watching the Canadiens lose the Stanley Cup at home to the Calgary Flames in 1989.

Carole — After a great run, watching the Habs lose to the Flyers in the conference finals in 2010. There was so much hype in our city of Montreal and everyone (hockey fan or not) cheered our Habs and Halak.

@ladyhabs — After the 2010 playoffs when the Habs were eliminated by the Flyers, I actually sobbed for over an hour. I felt like I had been dumped by the love of my life, and I was inconsolable for weeks. I couldn’t talk about it. I couldn’t blog about it, etc. I had quit my 9 to 5 during the first round to dedicate myself to the team and I was devastated. In fact, I think I’m tearing up again now…

(Photo by REUTERS/Shaun Best)


  1. Congrats, Robyn and Tracy! Both your stories hurt.

    And just for a bit of background, everyone, Steve was wearing that Scott Gomez T-shirt when he wrote that answer. No one will ever understand the logic behind its purchase.

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