Gainey and Robinson to be honored in 2007-08


    Habster’s take:
    Bob Gainey and Larry Robinson were important members of the Montreal Canadien dynasties of the 70’s that dominated the NHL. Their contributions to those Stanley Cup victories were huge and unforgettable in every way. I have to admit that the retirement of Larry Robinson’s number is over due and in my opinion 8-10 years too late. When Larry Robinson retired from hockey after the 1991-92 season, the Canadiens should have retired his number within 5 years of that season. The Hockey Hall of Fame had enough sense and class to induce Mr. Robinson into its highly prestigious institution in 1995 (only 3 years after he retired from the game!!!!!!).
    What has keep one of the classiest organizations in sports from doing the same for Robinson as well as the other deserving players like Serge Savard (2006), Gainey(2007), Cournoyer(2006), Moore (2006) and Geoffrion(2006).
    I completely understand that the Montreal Canadiens have so many deserving player to consider for number retirements but it shouldn’t have taken 15 to 40 years to celebrate their accomplishments and contributions to the organization. It was only until George Gillett bought the team that something was done to deal with the long awaited jersey retirements for these players.
    Let’s hope that after Mr.Gainey and Mr. Robinson have their numbers officially retired( #23 and #19 have unofficially been out of service for use), that no other player has to wait longer than 5 years for the same honour.