Canadiens Join Initiative for Mental Health Awareness


The Montreal Canadiens join forces with Canadian NHL clubs to build awareness for mental health

Montreal Canadiens PRESS RELEASE

Bell Let's Talk

MONTREAL – For the third consecutive year, the Montreal Canadiens join forces to the Hockey Talks program, an initiative supported by the National Hockey League to raise awareness of mental health. Joining forces with the Calgary Flames, the Vancouver Canucks, the Ottawa Senators, the Winnipeg Jets, the Edmonton Oilers and the Toronto Maple Leafs, the Montreal Canadiens reiterates its willingness to expose his supporters of this misunderstood condition, and effective treatments to which it is possible to use.

Tuesday night, the Montreal Canadiens will dedicate their game against the Dallas Stars to the Hockey Talks program. Before the game, the player’s wives, Michel Mpambara, Stefie Shock, Alex Genest and Bell ambassadors will distribute bracelets and hats to support Bell Let’s Talk initiative. Patients from la Fondation les petits trésors, Les Impatients and the Douglas institute will be the honored guests of the evening and will have the opportunity to attend the game in private suites. The three organizations will also be at the community kiosk of section 103, in order to give information about their various services and raise awareness among supporters.

hockeytalkshabsMental health and wellness

One Canadian out of five will experience a mental health problem or illness in his lifetime and it indirectly affects all Canadians at some point through a family member, friend or colleague. Stigma and discrimination attached to mental illnesses presents a serious barrier, not only to diagnosis and treatment but also to acceptance in the community. Approximately 70% of mental health problems and illnesses have their onset during childhood or adolescence. Identifying the signs early and getting connected to tools and support is the most important way to prevent problems from becoming worse. Mental health problems and illnesses can be treated effectively.