Dream Date: Puck the Bunny Plays Hockey with Rondelle


CURITIBA, BRAZIL — Puck the Bunny appears on AllHabs.net predicting outcomes of games from his home in the beautiful country of Brazil. Yes, an exotic prognosticating bunny!

But for the past two games, we haven’t posted prediction videos as Puck’s human has been ill.  Louise is a very talented member of our All Habs family, and we are happy that she will be better soon. Both she and Puck felt badly for missing two predictions, so together they put together a little project.

As Louise was recovering, her creativity continued to flow. And Puck provided the story-line.

You see, Puck has an imaginary girlfriend, Rondelle. Through the talents of Louise, we can find out what Puck’s ideal dream date would be like.

It’s a Bunny Love Story!

Don’t forget to follow @HabsPuckBunny on Twitter.  Puck is grateful for his more than 200 followers!  Be sure to follow @All_Habs and @AllHabsBrasil as well!

Puck the Bunny tem um importante trabalho. Ele trabalha para o AllHabs.net a função de prever resultados de jogos.